ai-forever / ner-bert

BERT-NER (nert-bert) with google bert

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

No uploaded ckpts and data?

MNCTTY opened this issue · comments

Did I understand correctly that you don't have an intend to share checkpoints from decoders training, sharing these notebooks others to replicate your results?

Also, I really can't find anywhere data from FactRuEval corpus (not only in this repository). May be you can share a link where you've downloaded it?
I've found only opencorpora corpus on kaggle, but when I opened it, I've found out that there are no classic NER tags such as 'loc', 'per', etc. Only tags that are adj, verb and others.

Sorry, i haven't any time for develop or share models and so on for now. In this repo no any data or models ^(. Link for FactRuEval (Russian NER competition dataset):