ahyatt / ekg

The emacs knowledge graph, app for notes and structured data.

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Renaming the tag/adding a tag to the current new note

alecStewart1 opened this issue · comments


This is my first dive into this kind of note taking in Emacs and I find this way to organizing notes to be very interesting.

Starting off, I'm not quite sure about manipulating the tag(s) of a new note. So C-c e is what I've bound ekg-capture to. A new note buffer opens and I go to the top where Tags: under the note properties are. I change it to something like ekg. I write the note, C-c C-c to save it. I run M-x ekg-show-notes-with-tag, there are no notes with the tag ekg only with the date/[today's-date]. I can obviously open that note and change the tag with ekg-rename-tag, but I shouldn't have to do that.

I start a new note, I want the tag be work/some_project_im_on. I try ekg-rename-tag in that new note buffer, set it to the new tag, add the note and save. M-x ekg-show-notes-with-tag and there's no note with the tag work/some_project_im_on.

Maybe there's a step I'm missing but I assumed the first attempt is what you're supposed to do and from the manual I think I'm not wrong in my assumption.

Thanks, and have a great day!

Ah, I see. So if I start at the end of the line and hit Backspace/Delete to remove the default tag and the line is no longer highlighted (with doom-nord it's gray for me), ekg has no idea what the note property is anymore and thus won't change the tag(s).

I think maybe there should be a way, via interactive command or just a function bound to a key, to make it easy to change the tag(s). Or maybe there is and I just missed it.

Thank you for the feedback! This is a great set of "mistakes", that I'd like the system to make less possible. I'll work on thinking of how to avoid people "de-metadata-ing" the metadata.

About ekg-rename-tag, it appears that it isn't obvious this is for renaming all the instances of a tag, not a single tag in a single buffer. I'll think of ways we can perhaps tweak the name to make it more obvious.

I've changed up how the metadata works in the develop branch in commit c1de20b. If you try it out, you should see that you can no longer just backspace over the overlay and destroy it. I also changed it so that now there's a line saying "--text follows this line--", which is the same way message-mode works. It should be more familiar and intuitive now, but please let me know if you try it.

Thanks! I think this is a use-case for me to starting using vc-use-package.

What you added in commit c1de20b works. I tried using backspace, C-S-e C-w, C-S-e C-d, C-d multiple times, C-k, and backspacing and the overlay stays and I get a This text is read-only I remove text up to Tag (the semicolon I can remove).

I just submitted 71c0641 in the develop branch, which renames ekg-rename-tag to ekg-global-rename-tag, which should be a better name.