ahuffman / ansible-satellite6_manage_content_views

An Ansible role to manage creation, publishing, promotion, and deletion of Satellite6 content views.

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Removing old content views with Ansible 2.9 rc5

harrydevine opened this issue · comments

My system got updated to Ansible 2.9rc5 and this role stopped working. It would quit in build_cv_keep_list.yml on the "Set content view remove list" step. The error shown was:

"msg": "Unexpected templating type error occurred on ({{ cv_ver_names | difference(cv_keep_list) }}): coercing to Unicode: need string or buffer, dict found",
"_ansible_no_log": false

I downgraded to Ansible 2.8.6 and the role began working again.

Thank you for reporting this issue. Sorry it's taken me years to respond, I no longer had an environment to test against, so therefore I couldn't do much to correct. I think the community here has a fix incoming via #6 .