ahorn / android-rss

Lightweight Android library to parse RSS 2.0 feeds.

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ATOM support

AshDSh opened this issue · comments


I am sorry .. i dont know where to post this .. so making it a new issue.. Sorry for this ..

I am using ur library & it works fine for RSS. Now i need 2 support ATOM feed.
could u please suggest what modifications do i need 2 make to support ATOM.
will just modifying the parser code to support all ATOM tags will work. (i mean adding OR clauses ... example "item" or "entry" ..) will do the magic ?

The current specification for Atom feeds can be found in RFC 4287 [1]. The parser in android-rss is implemented as a SAX handler [2]. As the project name suggests, android-rss does not aim to support Atom feeds. However, I am happy to review and apply patches as long as they are accompanied by unit and functional tests.

[1] http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4287
[2] https://github.com/ahorn/android-rss/blob/master/rc/main/java/org/mcsoxford/rss/RSSHandler.java