ahorn / android-rss

Lightweight Android library to parse RSS 2.0 feeds.

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Android 1.6 not working

grndvl1 opened this issue · comments

Seems the parser doesn't work when building for/running on android 1.6. It doesn't error just doesn't fill fields. When I call load feed returns 0 items, is not null but zero length. If I change the target to 2.2 then the feed returns items. If I debug through the code the difference appears here in RSSHandler:

public void startElement(String nsURI, String localName, String qname, org.xml.sax.Attributes attributes)

qname is "" in the Android1.6 where in 2.2 its filled.

What is localName set to in Android 1.6? In particular, is it "media:thumbnail" or is it simply "thumbnail"?

I've updated the RSSParser class. Please verify that it works and close the issue if the result is satisfactory. Otherwise, feel free to tinker with the commit [1] a little bit more. I accept patches in form of pull requests.

[1] 2842622

Works on both 1.6 and 2.2, thanks!