ahmednuaman / grunt-scss-lint

A Grunt task to lint your SCSS

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How grunt-scss-lint can exclude some files or directory?

douglasdeodato opened this issue · comments

I am using grunt-scss-lint with sucess.

but I wanna exclude a folder or files, but after runt he task still catching the folder, any idea how to exclude the file or directory?

in the docs says:


Type: String or Array
Default: null
Exclude one or more files from being linted.
grunt task
scsslint: {
        allFiles: [
        options: {
          config: 'scss/.scss-lint.yml',
          reporterOutput: '.tmp/scss-lint-report.xml',
          colorizeOutput: true,
        exclude: [


any ideas?

fixed exclude should go inside options.

       allFiles: [
        options: {
          config: 'scss/.scss-lint.yml',
          reporterOutput: '.tmp/scss-lint-report.xml',
          colorizeOutput: true,
          exclude: [