AhmedHosny2024 / RSA-BreakingRSA

implementation of RSA algorithm sender aand receiver to test the algorithm and an algorithm to break it

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implentation of RSA algorithm with clind and server and code for breaking this algorithm

Steps to run the program

1- run server.py 2- run clint.py 3- in the server terminal enter the size of the key in bits 4- write a message to send on clint terminal 5- you will receive it in server terminal :) 6- to run the attacker you need to run func.py last function put the public key as a parametar you will recive d as output 7- to run graphs between (encrypt time, decrypt time,attack time) with the size of the key you only need to run test large n.py


implementation of RSA algorithm sender aand receiver to test the algorithm and an algorithm to break it


Language:Jupyter Notebook 53.4%Language:Python 46.6%