ahmadraniri1994 / amixer-volume-script-for-WM

Amixer volume scripts for window manager.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Amixer volume scripts for window manager. Explanation :

  • volmu = volume mute/unmute (amixer -q sset Master toggle)
  • volup = volume up (amixer -q sset Master 5%+)
  • voldown = volume down (amixer -q sset Master 5%-)

multimedia key lists:

  • XF86AudioRaiseVolume = for raising volume, you can bind it with "volup" script.
  • XF86AudioLowerVolume = for lowering volume, you can bind it with "voldown" script.
  • XF86AudioMute = for toggling mute/unmute, you can bind it with "volmu" script.

PS: you can make it into executable with command "chmod +x <script>" and bind it with your desired shortcut tools (sxhkd, xbindkeys, etc). You also can place it into your local path (/home/$USER/bin , /home/$USER/.local/bin).


Amixer volume scripts for window manager.