ahmadelsallab / flex

Framework for machine Learning EXperiment

Home Page:https://ahmadelsallab.github.io/flex/

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Framework for machine Learning EXperiment


  • Framework Agnostic.
  • Reproducible experiments:
    • Configuration Management.
    • Data Management.
    • Model Management.
  • Experiments results reporting and tracking as git branches.
  • Support of reusable models, data loaders, preprocessing,...etc across different experiments.
  • Standardized learning process and interfaces.
  • Model wrapping as an Application.


pip install --upgrade git+https://github.com/ahmadelsallab/flex.git


git clone https://github.com/ahmadelsallab/flex.git
cd flex
pip install .


pip install requirements.txt


FLEX is a framework to organize the running of ML experiments, and make them reproducible, by tracking their configurations. The philosophy of FLEX is to keep the main components of an ML programs as re-usable plugins.

Encourage not enforce

"Softly" integrate data science/machine learning process in the project DNA

One of the goals of FLEX is to "softly" enforce DS/ML process: DS_Process

Data_prep Which is official under CRISP-DM


ML Experiment

We define an ML Experiment to be composed of:

  • Data loaders: loading and generating the data.
  • Data pre-processors: data preparation and features processing.
  • Models: networks, classifiers,..etc.
  • Learners: training procedure.
  • Configurations: meta data, hyper parameters, results.

Each of the above components, can be re-used across different experiments. Moreover, the mixture of them forms an experiment.

"FLEX is FLEXible"

You can use FLEX in many different ways:

  • For managing experiments configurations and reproducing results.
  • For wrapping and deploying ML models.
  • For running standard experiments and re-using models, data,...etc across different experiments. framework.
  • No binding to specific framework.
  • Can work with any remote git server.
  • Flexibe API's.

Under the package called "flex", you will find base classes that implements standard interfaces for:

  • Data loading
  • Data pre-processing
  • Models building
  • Training (Learners)
  • Deployment as an App

All the library is "framework agnostic", meaning, DL frameworks like Keras, Pytorch, ...etc are just plugins to FLEX. It's not mandatory to use all the base classes, meaning, you can still use most of the features if you implement your own. But we encourage to follow the same structure in order to have organized and easy flow.

Folders structure

We have provided an example folder for the best folder structure to use FLEX. However, this structure is not mandatory; you still can use some features like configuration management without that structure.

The structure is described here:

  • configs: contains the different configurations of different experiments using the Configuration base class.
  • data: contains custom re-usable loaders and pre-processors
  • models: contains the different custom re-usable models
  • runs: contains the different experiments and deployment apps.

Use cases

In the following we will demo some use cases.

More use cases under the example/notebooks.

Configuration management of experiments

In machine learning you perform many experiments until you settle on a good model. During this journey you have a lot of checkpoints, visualizations, results,...etc.

The logger helps you to organize and keep track of:

  • The experiments results
  • TODO: The model checkpoints
  • TODO: Different visualizations and curves

More use cases under tests/test_experiment.py

Log new experiment result

In general any experiment is composed of:

  • meta_data: name, purpose, file, commit,...etc
  • config: mostly the hyperparameters, and any other configuration like the used features. For deep learning, config can be further divided into: data, model, optimizer, learning hyper parameters
  • results: metrics, best model file, comment,..etc

Suppose all your previous records are in 'results_old.csv'.

And now you want to log a new experiment results.

from flex.config import Configuration

meta_data = {'name': 'experiment_1',
            'purpose': 'test my awesome model',
             'date': 'today',

config_params = {'model_arch': '100-100-100',
          'learning_rate': 0.0001,
          'epochs': 2,
          'optimizer': 'Adam',

results = {'val_acc': 0.95, 
         'F1': 0.92,
         'Comment': 'Best model'}

experiment = Configuration([meta_data, config_params, results])

Note that

you can add or remove experiment parameters. In that case, if you add a parameter, old records will have NaN for those. If you delete some parameters, they will remain in the old records, but will be NaN in the new logged one.

Now Write CSV of the results


Supported formats:

  • JSON
  • CSV
  • YAML
  • HTML
  • Pickle

If you want to see the whole record:


Alternatively, you could init the Experiment with the old records, and later log one or more experiment

from flex.config import Configuration

# Load the old records
experiment = Configuration(logs='results.csv')

# TODO: Perform your experiment

# Now log the new experiment data
meta_data = {'name': 'experiment_2',
            'purpose': 'test another awesome model',
             'date': 'today',

config_params = {'model_arch': '200-200-200',
                  'learning_rate': 0.0001,
                  'epochs': 2,
                  'optimizer': 'Adam',

results = {'val_acc': 0.85, 
         'F1': 0.92,
         'Comment': '2nd Best model'}

experiment.config = [meta_data, config_params, results]

# Export the whole result

You can init an emtpy experiment, or with a certain csv, and add or change the old records csv.

In case experiments parameters added or deleted, they will be merged.

from flex.config import Configuration
# Init empty experiment
experiment = Configuration() # or Experiment(csv_file="another_results.csv")

# Update with old logs

# Load old config

# Now you can save new logs with the new experiment appended.

Model wrapping and deployment

You have trained a model, and want to deploy it, meaning to feed it input and get an output. But before, there are some steps you need to perform to load and prepare the data. The class Application enables you to cast your data loaders, preprocessor and model in one app.

The run method applies the standard steps:

1- Load data

2- Preprocess data

3- Load model

4- Predict output

In the example below, there are some assumptions:

1- Global settings and configurations are pre-configured under configs/custom_config.py You could directly write them in the same code if you want

2- All loaders, preprocessors, models,...etc are pre-defined and saved in the project folders as customs. You could define them here if you want and pass them to the Application constructor

from data.custom_loaders import MyDataLoader
from data.custom_preprocessors import MyDataPreprocessor
from models.custom_models import MyModel
from flex.runs import Application

from configs.custom_config import config # Note that, we could directly put the params here, but it can also be kept under configs as it can be used with other runs

# Load data
loader = MyDataLoader(config=config)

# Preprocess data
preprocessor = MyDataPreprocessor(config=config)

# Build model
model = MyModel(config=config)

# Run experiment
app = Application(loader=loader,
results = app.run()

You can also override and implement your own deployment steps by inheriting from the Application class and implementing your own run method

from data.custom_loaders import MyDataLoader
from data.custom_preprocessors import MyDataPreprocessor
from models.custom_models import MyModel
from flex.runs import Application

from configs.custom_config import config # Note that, we could directly put the params here, but it can also be kept under configs as it can be used with other runs

class MyApp(Application):

    def __init__(self,
                 loader: BaseDataLoader,
                 preprocessor: BaseDataPreprocessor,
                 model: BaseModel,
                 config: Configuration):
        super().__init__(loader, preprocessor, model, config)

    # Override your custom run here
    def run(self):
        # Load data
        raw_data = self.loader.load_data()

        # Pre-process data
        data = self.preprocessor.preprocess_data(raw_data)

        # Load model

        # Predict
        result = self.model.predict(data)

        return result

# Load data
loader = MyDataLoader(config=config)

# Preprocess data
preprocessor = MyDataPreprocessor(config=config)

# Build model
model = MyModel(config=config)

# Run experiment
app = MyApp(loader=loader,

results = app.run()

Running and tracking ML experiment

You have an awesome model that you want to train with a dataset, following some genius pre-processing pipeline.

Moreover, as you are experimenting with different hyper-params, model choices, pre-processing choices,...etc, you want to keep track of all results and configurations you have made, and where they led, and also be able to reproduce the results of each experiment when needed.

The class Runner provides the ability to run an experiment, and use the Configuration class to save and load the experiment info to be able to run later.

The Runner class takes any custom loader, preprocessor, model,..etc.

Through the standard run interface, standard training and evaluation steps are executed: 1- Load data

2- Preprocess data

3- Build model

4- Train model

5- Evaluate model

6- Save configuration

from data.custom_loaders import MyDataLoader
from data.custom_preprocessors import MyDataPreprocessor
from learners.custom_learners import MyLearner
from models.custom_models import MyModel
from flex.runs import Experiment

from configs.custom_config import config # Note that, we could directly put the params here, but it can also be kept under configs as it can be used with other runs

# Load data
loader = MyDataLoader(config=config)

# Preprocess data
preprocessor = MyDataPreprocessor(config=config)

# Build model
model = MyModel(config=config)

# Train
learner = MyLearner(config=config)

# Run experiment
experiment = Experiment(loader=loader,

# Save the experiment
experiment.save({'branch':'experiments', 'tag':config.name})

Moreover, you can override the standard run() and implement some custom steps if needed:

from data.custom_loaders import MyDataLoader
from data.custom_preprocessors import MyDataPreprocessor
from learners.custom_learners import MyLearner
from models.custom_models import MyModel
from flex.runs import Experiment

from configs.custom_config import config # Note that, we could directly put the params here, but it can also be kept under configs as it can be used with other runs

class MyExperiment(Experiment):
    def __init__(self,
                 loader: BaseDataLoader,
                 preprocessor: BaseDataPreprocessor,
                 model: BaseModel,
                 learner: BaseLearner,
                 config: Configuration):
        super().__init__(loader, preprocessor, model, learner, config)

    # Override your custom run here
    def run(self):
        # Load data
        raw_data = self.loader.load_data()

        # Preprocess data
        data = self.preprocessor.preprocess_data(raw_data)

        # TODO: Add to learner train, test split
        train_data = data
        test_data = data

        # Build model

        # Train
        self.learner.train(train_data=train_data, model=model)

        # Test
        self.learner.test(test_data=test_data, model=model)

        # Predict

        # Load performance

# Load data
loader = MyDataLoader(config=config)

# Preprocess data
preprocessor = MyDataPreprocessor(config=config)

# Build model
model = MyModel(config=config)

# Train
learner = MyLearner(config=config)

# Run experiment
experiment = MyExperiment(loader=loader,

# Save the experiment
experiment.save({'branch':'experiments', 'tag':config.name})

Load an experiment

An experiment needs the following to be reproduced:

1- Configurations

2- Running steps

3- Data

4- Model

1 and 2 are tracked through git 3 and 4 are tracked as data files

Now you have 2 options

A. Load from known paths

In this case you define in the config dict the paths to:

  • Raw data files
  • Model file

Then write your own run steps, or use the default ones.

from flex.config import Configuration
from data.custom_loaders import MyDataLoader
from data.custom_preprocessors import MyDataPreprocessor
from learners.custom_learners import MyLearner
from models.custom_models import MyModel
from flex.runs import Experiment

# Load the old configs
config = Configuration()

# Load data as defined in config['data_path']
loader = MyDataLoader(config=config)

# Preprocess data
preprocessor = MyDataPreprocessor(config=config)

# Build or load model
model = MyModel(config=config)

# Train
learner = MyLearner(config=config)

# Run experiment
experiment = Experiment(loader=loader,
# The model is loaded automatically based on the model_file param

B. Restore an experiment from previous version on git

from flex.config import Configuration
from data.custom_loaders import MyDataLoader
from data.custom_preprocessors import MyDataPreprocessor
from learners.custom_learners import MyLearner
from models.custom_models import MyModel
from flex.runs import Experiment

# Restore everything from git, with certain branch and experiment tag
experiment = Experiment().load({'branch':'experiments', 'tag':'experiment_tag_name'})

# Now, all the custom loaders are restored
# Load the old configs
config = Configuration(config='config/config.json')

# Load data as defined in config['data_path']
loader = MyDataLoader(config=config)

# Preprocess data
preprocessor = MyDataPreprocessor(config=config)

# Load model
model = MyModel(config=config)

# Train
learner = MyLearner(config=config)

# Now update all the experiment components
experiment.loader = MyDataLoader
experiment.preprocessor = MyDataPreprocessor
experiment.model = model
experiment.learner = learner

# Run the experiment
# The model is loaded automatically based on the model_file param

Difference from DVC

  • FLEX supports experiments: config | results reporting, across historical logs.
  • DVC can be used a plugin to FLEX to handle data and model versions.
  • FLEX provides framework to re-use models, preprocessors, loaders,..etc among different experiments.
  • FLEX provides model wrapping through the Application class.

Difference from Comet_ml

  • FLEX is framework agnostic.
  • Comet_ml is paid.
  • Comet_ml is API based, and need to have the repo public on github.

Difference from Studio.ml

  • FLEX supports experiments: config | results reporting, across historical logs.
  • FLEX tracks experiments as git branches.
  • Studio.ml supports UI.

Known issues


Future developments

  • The model checkpoints management and tracking
  • Data version management and tracking
  • Different visualizations and curves
  • Upload the result file to gdrive for online updates and sharing


Framework for machine Learning EXperiment


License:GNU General Public License v3.0


Language:Jupyter Notebook 71.1%Language:Python 28.9%