ahgsql / StyleSelectorXL

This repository contains a Automatic1111 Extension allows users to select and apply different styles to their inputs using SDXL 1.0.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

SDXL_Stlyle Group Always Launches Open

mbloflin opened this issue · comments

In the StyleSelectorXL.py file on line 124 is this:
with gr.Accordion("SDXL Styles", open=enabled):

The launch the Accordion window closed nicely like all the other ones, change line 124 to be:
with gr.Accordion("SDXL Styles", open=False):

Can this change be made in the next update? THX

On launch, go from this:

To this:

+1 to this. I have to go into the source code and edit it with every update.

Same. Doesn't seem to be respecting the selection.