ahgsql / StyleSelectorXL

This repository contains a Automatic1111 Extension allows users to select and apply different styles to their inputs using SDXL 1.0.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Select style list to use (json files)

JeromeGH opened this issue · comments

Please implement the option to select between several style lists (json files)


I really dig this features as well, so I tried to bring this to work, but my styles won't just get not updated. Any thoughts on this? This was my approach after 8hrs of work (I am not a coder though)

I added a simple

def getFile(): styleFile = [f for f in os.listdir(folder) if f.endswith('.json')] return styleFile

and updated the class and the ui so far, but I am stuck on the automated update. I can select my files from the dropdown, but nothing happens.

`class StyleSelectorXL(scripts.Script):
def init(self) -> None:
self.styleFile = getFile()
self.initial_file = gr.State(self.styleFile[0] if self.styleFile else "sdxl_styles.json")
self.styleNames = self.getStyles(self.initial_file.value)

def getStyles(self, selected_json_file):
    global stylespath
    json_path = os.path.join(folder, selected_json_file)
    stylespath = json_path
    json_data = get_json_content(json_path)
    styles = read_sdxl_styles(json_data)
    return styles

def updateStyles(self, selected_json_file):
    self.initial_file.value = selected_json_file
    self.styleNames = self.getStyles(selected_json_file)
    print(f"Updated initial_file.value: {self.initial_file.value}")
    print(f"Updated styleNames: {self.styleNames}")

def title(self):
    return "Style Selector for SDXL 1.0"

def show(self, is_img2img):
    return scripts.AlwaysVisible

def ui(self, is_img2img):
    enabled = getattr(shared.opts, "enable_styleselector_by_default", True)

    with gr.Group():
        with gr.Accordion("SDXL Styles NEW", open=enabled):
            with FormRow():
                with FormColumn(min_width=160):
                    is_enabled = gr.Checkbox(
                        value=enabled, label="Enable Style Selector", info="Enable Or Disable Style Selector ")
                with FormColumn(elem_id="Randomize Style"):
                    randomize = gr.Checkbox(
                        value=False, label="Randomize Style", info="This Will Override Selected Style")
                with FormColumn(elem_id="Randomize For Each Iteration"):
                    randomizeEach = gr.Checkbox(
                        value=False, label="Randomize For Each Iteration", info="Every prompt in Batch Will Have Random Style")
                with FormColumn():
                    json_file = gr.Dropdown(
                        value=self.styleFile[0] if self.styleFile else "sdxl_styles.json",
                        label="Select Stylefile",
                        change=lambda selected: [print(f"Selected JSON File: {selected}"), setattr(initial_file, 'json_file', selected), self.updateStyles(selected)]

            with FormRow():
                with FormColumn(min_width=160):
                    allstyles = gr.Checkbox(
                        value=False, label="Generate All Styles In Order", info="To Generate Your Prompt in All Available Styles, Its Better to set batch count to " + str(len(self.styleNames)) + " ( Style Count)")

            style_ui_type = shared.opts.data.get(
                "styles_ui",  "radio-buttons")

            if style_ui_type == "select-list":
                style = gr.Dropdown(
                    self.styleNames, value=self.styleNames[10], multiselect=False, label="Select Style")
                style = gr.Radio(
                    label='Style', choices=self.styleNames, value=self.styleNames[10])
    # Ignore the error if the attribute is not present

    return [is_enabled, randomize, randomizeEach, allstyles, style]`