ahamez / protox

A fast, easy to use and 100% conformant Elixir library for Google Protocol Buffers (aka protobuf)

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eddy147 opened this issue · comments

Describe the bug
The generated code, if the output is in 1 file, is wrapped in a list.

To Reproduce
Have a nested message.
I ran the generate command like so:
MIX_ENV=prod mix protox.generate --output-path=./lib/protos.ex --namespace=Protos ./path/to/file.proto

Expected behaviour
Have the defmodules listed not in List form

Actual behaviour

  defmodule Protos.CalibrationErrorStatus do
    @moduledoc false
      defstruct []

        @spec default() :: :CALIBRATION_ERROR_STATUS_UNINIT
        def default() do


which is weird: why the List?
Also, the Message that is calling all other messages is Request, not CalibrationErrorStatus.

Environment (please complete the following information):

  • Elixir version [1.13-otp-24]
  • Erlang version [24.2]
  • OS: Linux Mint
    • proto version [2]

Additional context
When using --multiple-files, and thus having the 1 defmodule per file, the main wrapping list is gone, but the functions are wrapped in a List again:

@spec encode(atom()) :: integer() | atom()
        def encode(:TRIP_TYPE_UNDEFINED) do

        def encode("TRIP_TYPE_UNDEFINED") do

Maybe it's not a bug, and I am doing something not right.

Hello !

While I agree it might seem strange to have this output, it's perfectly normal as it's the output of macros as string used by protox.
So yes, it's not a bug 🙂. Unless, of course, you observe the wrong behavior or it fails to compile.

Regarding this part of your message:

Also, the Message that is calling all other messages is Request, not CalibrationErrorStatus.

I don't understand the problem here: do you mean the generated code is incorrect? If so, can you share the *.proto file(s)?

Aha.In that case, no bug of course, pls disregard my question about CalibrationErrorStatus.

I just do not know how to use the generated code, since they are now a product if Macro.to_string/2.
How can I get the defmodules or the defs?

I'd suggest you don't look at the generated code, it's easier to start from your *.proto definitions. If, for instance, you have the following definition:

syntax = "proto3";

enum E {
  ZERO = 0;
  ONE = 1;

message Msg{
  int32 a = 1;
  E b = 2;

Then, you can create, encode and decode a Msg like this:

iex> msg = %Msg{a: 42, b: :ONE}
iex> encoded = Msg.encode!(msg)
iex> decoded = encoded |> :binary.list_to_bin() |> Msg.decode!()

So, you just have to manipulate messages as if they were ordinary Elixir structures.

I'll close this issue as it's not a bug, but feel free to comment on this issue if you need help!

thank you for your time & effort. really appreciate the unit tests, the reason I chose this.