agrosner / DBFlow

A blazing fast, powerful, and very simple ORM android database library that writes database code for you.

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DataFlow library uses Raw SQL Query

Sathishdisys opened this issue · comments


DBFlow Version: 4.1.2

Bug or Feature Request:
It is recommended:
1.Sanitize the data before storing to the database, prefer using of character encoding
2. Double up any single quotation marks appearing within user input before incorporating that input into a SQL query.
3. Using of parameterized queries with regular expression is recommended
There is a potential risk that a Threat Actor can abuse this vulnerability to perform the SQL injection or database enumeration attacks leading information disclosure.

Below files are affected:
com\raizlabs\android\dbflow\sql\language\BaseQueria com\raizlabs\android\dbflow\structure\database\Andro com\raizlabs\android\dbflow\structure\database\Andro com\raizlabs\android\dbflow\structure\database\Base


These are hardcoded queries that do not take user input. There is no credible risk that I can tell.