agorapulse / capacitor-mediastore

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

uri returned from writeFile is urlencoded

TechplexEngineer opened this issue · comments

Thanks for the great plugin, this really saved my bacon!

One thing I noticed is if the filename/path used with writeFile contains characters like : they are escaped and saveToDownloads generates a very nondescript error.

Sample code that is broken:

const filename = `${colName}-${new Date().toISOString()}.json`;
let res = await Filesystem.writeFile({
	path: filename,
	data: data,
	directory: Directory.Data,
	encoding: Encoding.UTF8
console.log("create file", res);
let res2 = await Mediastore.saveToDownloads({
	filename: filename,
	path: res.uri

The fix is fairly simple by decoding the URI before passing it to saveToDownloads the error goes away
Working Code:

const filename = `${colName}-${new Date().toISOString()}.json`;
let res = await Filesystem.writeFile({
	path: filename,
	data: data,
	directory: Directory.Data,
	encoding: Encoding.UTF8
console.log("create file", res);
let res2 = await Mediastore.saveToDownloads({
	filename: filename,
	path: decodeURIComponent(res.uri)