agilgur5 / react-signature-canvas

A React wrapper component around signature_pad (in < 150 LoC). Unopinionated and heavily updated fork of react-signature-pad

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Canvas clears itself on iOS 15 due to Safari URL bar window resizes

danjamesmedia opened this issue · comments

Whenever a signature canvas is drawn on iOS 15, the canvas occasionally wipes itself. See attached video, from your official demo.

Found the root cause of the issue, please check the related PR:

For quick workaround:
Just pass clearOnResize={false} in props (by default it is true)

Ack, this issue seems very similar to Chrome for Android and iOS Safari resizing the window height due to the URL bar fading in/out. That looks like a URL bar in your video too, but just at the bottom in iOS 15(?).

Have had the pain of dealing with the URL bar in various front-end projects, but usually it only affected my responsive CSS (e.g. vh units, height media queries, etc), didn't realize that impacted react-signature-canvas's resize detection too, big oof.

Will have to think of an optimal strategy to deal with that and remember what I used in other projects to workaround it.

For quick workaround:
Just pass clearOnResize={false} in props (by default it is true)

That should indeed work as a quick workaround, but for all readers, please be aware that that is an advanced usage prop and has some drawbacks/side-effects when used without any other changes, as described in #43 .