agilemobiledev / DKIM-for-JavaMail

DKIM for JavaMail is a small JAR that can be easily implemented in existing Java projects using JavaMail for sending DKIM signed emails.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

================= DKIM-for-JavaMail

DKIM for JavaMail is a small JAR that can be easily implemented in existing Java projects using JavaMail for sending DKIM signed emails.

This github repository replaces the original repository at See for old forum posts.

=========================== Setup DKIM for JavaMail API

What is required to use DKIM for JavaMail

  • a project using JavaMail: (DKIM for JavaMail was tested with version JavaMail 1.4.1 but should be compatible with older versions too, see TODO below)

  • a DKIM key setup:

    There are test keys in the keys/ directory but be aware to use those only for your tests.

    You need:

    a) a private key on your hard disc (e.g. in keys/); you can generate a new key by

    openssl genrsa -out private.key.pem

    DKIM for JavaMail needs the private key in DER format, you can transform a PEM key with openssl:

    openssl pkcs8 -topk8 -nocrypt -in private.key.pem -out private.key.der -outform der

    b) a public key in your DNS; here is a sample ressource record with selector "default": default._domainkey IN TXT "v=DKIM1; g=*; k=rsa; p=MIG...the_public_key_here...AQAB" (see for details)

    You can use openssl to get a public key from the private key:

    openssl rsa -inform PEM -in private.key.pem -pubout

Run Tests

  • if you want to run the examples provided in DKIM for JavaMail you have to

    a) configure the config file (see comments inside)

    b) run ant runTests

Implement DKIM for JavaMail into your code

  • add DKIMforJavaMail.jar to your classpath

  • see the example files in test/de/agitos/dkim/* : it's very simple to implement, enjoy!

==== TODO

  • DKIM for JavaMail is in principal compatible with all libraries using JavaMail, an example for Apache Commons Email should be added to this project

  • test of DKIM for JavaMail with older JavaMail versions, maybe a JAR for Java 1.4; I will do this if needed upon request

  • verification functionality could be added; this has minor priority at time, I will do this if needed upon request (there will be other libraries doing this maybe)

  • the optional public key check before sending should be fully implemented; this is out of the DKIM basic functionality and therefore isn't mandatory

=============== RELEASE-HISTORY

1.0, 2008-11-30 1.1, 2009-04-13 Bugfix line-encoding before body canonicalization on *nix systems Added partial line-folding of the DKIM-Signature header field 1.2, 2009-05-10 Bugfix in signing mime messages that are loaded by an InputStream, Added a MimeMessageTest for testing the signing of loaded mime messages. 1.3, 2009-07-29 Changed the insertion of the DKIM-Signature header to the top most position when sending mail. This is compatible with the Yahoo! DKIM verifier.

================== Further DKIM Links : DKIM Reputation Project Reputation data based on DKIM identities (that is signingdomains and users 'below'); this project was built especially to setup good reputation for good users to reduce the false-positive-problem. The DKIM Reputation Project collects identities of spammers as well to prevent that spammers gain positive reputation. In addition, this project helps ISPs to identify spamming user accounts by the subscription to ARFs (abuse reports). Furthermore you can subscribe to daily DKIM checks to assure that the DKIM signatures you inject in your mails on your MTA are valid. : DKIM Connector With the DKIM Connector you get an configuration tool to update DKIM configs (especially public/private keys) on one or more mail servers and in your master DNS. This simplifies the setup of DKIM for multiple domains (in virtual hosting environments) and makes it possible to automate regular key rotations. Considering the DKIM Reputation aspects it is reasonable to sign your mail as precise as possible, that means: if you are you could sign mails from customers with domains and with your signing domain This is the simple setup. In a more detailed setup you sign mails from with signing domain and with signing domain : DKIM implementations On this website you can find most MTA-DKIM implementations and complementary products and services. : Sun JavaMail API Florian Sager,, 22.11.2008


DKIM for JavaMail is a small JAR that can be easily implemented in existing Java projects using JavaMail for sending DKIM signed emails.

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:Java 100.0%