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More lean programming tutorial

wiio12 opened this issue · comments

Great work here! However, I struggle to find more lean 3 programming tutorials, including documentation of lean library. Where can I find these tutorials?

Hi, I am also looking for material learning lean as FP language. Did you find something?

I will share my little experience if that can help someone.

This 2 resources are pretty good:

Then the book for lean 4 seems to be good, however i didn't tried lean4 yet:

The lean community chat is good for specific questions like if you get stuck trying to do something.

Mathlib is hard even if you know the mathematics, it is easier to start a personal project than trying to make contributions into mathlib. I started a little personal project for learning purposes but i make a lot if mistakes as i am learning functional programming at the same time as lean.

What i think i will do now is try to learn more haskell and functional programming hoping that will make lean a little easier for me.

Another thing i did is checking other projects written in lean, there are quite a few.