agentbellnorm / dativity

data driven, stateless, process engine

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Idea: simple data dsl for process graph creation.

nrfm opened this issue · comments

Great work!

Idea, to make the creation of the graph less verbose, a little "data dsl" would work great.


(def case-model-dsl
      ;; roles
      applicant is-a role
      system is-a role
      officer is-a role
      ;; actions
      create-case is-a action
      enter-loan-details is-a action
      produce-credit-application-document is-a action
      sign-credit-application-document is-a action
      payout-loan is-a action
      ;; data
      case-id is-a data
      customer-id is-a data
      loan-details is-a data
      credit-application-document is-a data
      applicant-signature is-a data
      officer-signature is-a data
      loan-number is-a data

      ;; actions relationships
      create-case produces customer-id
      create-case produces case-id

      enter-loan-details produces loan-details
      enter-loan-details requires case-id

      produce-credit-application-document produces credit-application-document
      produce-credit-application-document requires loan-details
      produce-credit-application-document requires customer-id

      sign-credit-application-document produces applicant-signature
      sign-credit-application-document produces officer-signature
      sign-credit-application-document requires credit-application-document

      payout-loan produces loan-number
      payout-loan requires applicant-signature
      payout-loan requires officer-signature

      ;; role-action edges
      applicant performs create-case
      applicant performs enter-loan-details
      applicant performs sign-credit-application-document
      officer performs sign-credit-application-document
      system performs payout-loan
      system performs produce-credit-application-document])

we can transform it into code easily. Here is an example using core.match,
but maybe a little parser based on spec could be a better option ( will play with that when i have time ).

disclaimer: first time using core.match ;)

(defn from-dsl
  [model dsl]
      (fn [acc [from _ to :as i]]
        (m/match i
                 [_ :is-a :action] (dativity.define/add-entity-to-model acc (dativity.define/action from))
                 [_ :is-a :data] (dativity.define/add-entity-to-model acc (dativity.define/data from))
                 [_ :is-a :role] (dativity.define/add-entity-to-model acc (dativity.define/role from))
                 [_ :requires _] (dativity.define/add-relationship-to-model acc (dativity.define/action-requires from to))
                 [_ :produces _] (dativity.define/add-relationship-to-model acc (dativity.define/action-produces from to))
                 [_ :performs _] (dativity.define/add-relationship-to-model acc (dativity.define/role-performs from to))
                 :else "todo/look into errors"
      model (map vec (partition 3 (map keyword dsl)))))

and used

(from-dsl (dativity.define/empty-case-model) case-model-dsl)

Here is a pic of this approach working in my live editor and visualising it using cytoscape so you can interactively create the graphs.

Screen Shot 2019-06-13 at 11 35 41

I will play also with adding visualization of process progress and adding a UI on top to perform actions etc...

Good idea, and nice code. I haven't used core.match either.

I agree that it is a little wordy right now. I can certainly add this feature.

One question though: what is the reason that you use a vector of symbols instead of, say, keywords?

I generally think dsl's can be a bit confusing and flakey. I'd rather be as close to the host language as possible when possible, and clojure makes this really easy.

There is now support for a less verbose way of creating the process model in a way similar to your proposal, thanks for the input! Check out the tests for examples.

Closing this issue.