agenda / agenda-rest

Scheduling as a Service

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Params Does not Work when is pased to schedule a Job

andresmelian opened this issue · comments

Im Trying to create a Job with a Basic URL and schedule this Job using params to not repeat the same Job with different Params, but I check an the params are not sending like that into the schedule.


This is the Body I sent:
"name": "SapUp",
"data": {
"vm_name": "NVD-PW-CA5-SAP-VT-11",
"instance": "nn",

This is the Job Definition Im Using

"_id" : ObjectId("5d1638e15f48de2af1aace10"),
"name" : "SapUp",
"url" : "",
"method" : "POST"

the errror Im Recieving is

"_id" : ObjectId("5d163962bbc6042b04da0fe4"),
"name" : "SapUp",
"data" : {
"params" : {
"vm_name" : "NVD-PW-CA5-SAP-VT-11",
"instance" : "nn",
"ticket" : "TICKETTEST08",
"mail" : ""
"type" : "normal",
"priority" : 0,
"nextRunAt" : null,
"lastModifiedBy" : null,
"lockedAt" : null,
"lastRunAt" : ISODate("2019-06-28T15:59:32.224Z"),
"failCount" : 1,
"failReason" : "406 - {"id":406,"msg":"Debe ingresar vm_name"}", (Is Not recieving this Param)
"failedAt" : ISODate("2019-06-28T15:59:32.379Z"),
"lastFinishedAt" : ISODate("2019-06-28T15:59:32.379Z")

Is this an Issue of the agenda-rest or Im using wrong the npm.

Best regards

@andresmelian : Your job definition url seems to be It does not include the expected param names. Shouldn't your url in the job definition be ?

We should probably close this issue. I have tested this code and it works as designed. Is there another reason to keep it opened?

I should add some unit tests for this. @keyvan-m-sadeghi Is that OK?

@keyvan-m-sadeghi I added the unit tests to test this functionality. I think we can close this thicket when #73 is merged.

@andresmelian You can take a look at the relevant unit test for this feature here:


Lines 159 to 167 in 62dd72e

test('Build URL with parameters.', t => {
url: '',
params: {param1: 'value1', param2: 'value2'}

Great to hear, thanks @geosp 🎉

Closing as #73 is now merged.