ageitgey / medium_to_ghost

Instantly move all your content (formatted posts + images) to an open source Ghost blog!

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

"Unable to find" error

isthisish opened this issue · comments


I'm so close to being able to do this. I've done all the necessary steps. When I run the last command python3 -m medium_to_ghost.medium_to_ghost, I get the Unable to find error. My zip file is in my download. Am I missing anything?

You probably downloaded the zip file to a different folder than where you are running the command. You have to give the path to the file you downloaded. On Mac, that would be something like:

python3 -m medium_to_ghost.medium_to_ghost ~/Downloads/

On Windows, it's probably something like:

python3 -m medium_to_ghost.medium_to_ghost "C:\Users\you\Downloads\"

Or something like that. You'd have to check the exact folder name on your computer.