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Agda is a dependently typed programming language / interactive theorem prover.

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U+02B3 (MODIFIER SMALL LETTER R, aka superscript r) not available via \^r

nrnrnr opened this issue · comments

(This issue was previously reported at plfa/, where it was recommended to be reported upstream.)

The text at recommends using identifiers that contain U+02B3 (ʳ). But using the Emacs agda-mode with version 2.6.3, the superscript r is not available using \^r as recommended. Instead this sequence produces a superscript right arrow.
Investigating turns up something strange with the emacs mode. In file agda-input.el, line 825 contains the pair

  ("^r"  . ,(agda-input-to-string-list"⃗⃑⃕"))

whereas line 1182 contains the pair

  ("^r" . ("ʳ"))

It appears that the former overrides the latter.

A similar issue applies to superscript l (ell).

This report applies to version 2.6.3, but a quick download of the current HEAD suggests that commit 5f36619 may have the same issue.

I'm using Agda 2.6.3 with Emacs 28. Compiled with GHC 2.4.8.

It is available as \r4 as there are in fact 4 things bound to \r (as can be seen in the input buffer). That the superscript right-arrow is first is kind of annoying as I tend to use U+02B3 (ʳ) way more. But once you've used \r4 once, then it defaults to that within the rest of that session.

(But this might be a new problem with Emacs 28?)

@JacquesCarette On my installation \r4 produces ⭆. Inspecting the source code of both versions, I can't see that HEAD is likely to be different.

Oops: \^r4 forgot the ^.

@JacquesCarette Bingo! Thank you.