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Latex backend/package bug: `! Package array Error: Empty preamble: 'l' used.`

WhatisRT opened this issue · comments

Here's a literate Agda file that LaTeX doesn't like:


module Latex-Bug where
open import Data.Bool
open import Function

ff : Bool
ff = true
  f1 : Bool
  f1 = case true of
    λ where
      _ → true

  f2 : Bool
  f2 = case true of
    λ where
    _ → true

Changing pretty much anything will make this not fail. For example renaming ff to f or indenting the last line of f3 (_ → true) by two more spaces. Even the two [hide] modifiers cannot be removed.

The sequence of commands I'm using to compile this is:

agda --latex Latex-Bug.lagda && cd latex && latexmk -xelatex -halt-on-error Latex-Bug.tex

The error message I'm getting is the following:

! Package array Error: Empty preamble: `l' used.

See the array package documentation for explanation.
Type  H <return>  for immediate help.
l.43 \end{code}
No pages of output.

Here is a version without the standard library:


case_of_ : {A B : Set} (a : A) (f : A  B)  B
case a of f = f a
open import Agda.Builtin.Bool -- needed in this block before the ff

ff : Bool
ff = true
  f1 : Bool
  f1 = case true of
    λ where
      _  true

  f2 : Bool
  f2 = case true of
    λ where
    _  true

It does not depend on -xelatex.

Shrank the generated latex file to this:

%% The column names must be different, e.g foo/bar/baz
\\ %% needed

The AgdaMultiCode environment can be removed by declaring \setboolean{Agda@Align}{true} instead.

Shrinking away agda.sty I arrive at this polytable reproducer (still same error):

%% The column names must be different
\\ %% needed

This might be an issue in polytable rather than in agda.sty. I reported this upstream: