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TBT: internal error in function `smallerOrEq`

andreasabel opened this issue · comments

This code triggers an internal error in Agda.Termination.TypeBased.Checking.smallerOrEq:

{-# OPTIONS --no-syntax-based-termination #-}
{-# OPTIONS --type-based-termination #-}
{-# OPTIONS --sized-types #-}

open import Agda.Builtin.Size
open import Agda.Builtin.Equality

data Empty : Set where

data Box : Size  Set where
  wrap :  i  (Empty  Box i)  Box (↑ i)

-- Box is inhabited at each stage > 0:

gift :  {i}  Empty  Box i
gift ()

box :  {i}  Box (↑ i)
box {i} = wrap i (gift {i})

-- wrap has an inverse:

unwrap :  i  Box (↑ i)  (Empty  Box i)
unwrap .i (wrap i f) = f

-- There is an isomorphism between (Empty → Box ∞) and (Box ∞)
-- but none between (Empty → Box i) and (Box i).
-- We only get the following, but it is not sufficient to
-- produce the loop.

postulate iso :  i  (Empty  Box i) ≡ Box (↑ i)

-- Since Agda's termination checker uses the structural order
-- in addition to sized types, we need to conceal the subterm.

  conceal : {A : Set}  A  A

  loop :  i  Box i  Empty
  loop .(↑ i) (wrap i x) = loop' (↑ i) (Empty  Box i) (iso i) (conceal x)

  -- We would like to write  loop' i  instead of  loop' (↑ i)
  -- but this is ill-typed.  Thus, we cannot achieve something
  -- well-founded wrt. to sized types.

  loop' :  i A  A ≡ Box i  A  Empty
  loop' i .(Box i) refl x = loop i x
An internal error has occurred. Please report this as a bug.
Location of the error: __IMPOSSIBLE__, called at src/full/Agda/Termination/TypeBased/Checking.hs:442:3

Apparently the same error is triggered by this:

{-# OPTIONS --type-based-termination #-}

open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality

data List (A : Set) : Set where
  nil  : List A
  cons : A  List A  List A

data Tree (A : Set) : Set where
  node : A  List (Tree A)  Tree A

map :  {A B : Set}  A ≡ Tree B  (A  A)  List A  List A
map refl f nil         = nil
map refl f (cons t ts) = cons (f t) (map refl f ts)