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INJECTIVE_FOR_INFERENCE silently ignored on non-functions

andreasabel opened this issue · comments

Pragma INJECTIVE_FOR_INFERENCE is currently silently ignored if applied to a non-function.
We would like to be warned about the UselessInjectiveForInferencePragma.

A.InjectiveForInferencePragma x -> markFirstOrder x

Notably, the implementation is framed by cases that make more effort (StaticPragma, NotProjectionLikePragma, InlinePragma):
A.StaticPragma x -> do
def <- getConstInfo x
case theDef def of
Function{} -> markStatic x
_ -> typeError $ GenericError "STATIC directive only works on functions"
A.InjectivePragma x -> markInjective x
A.InjectiveForInferencePragma x -> markFirstOrder x
A.NotProjectionLikePragma qn -> do
def <- getConstInfo qn
case theDef def of
it@Function{} ->
modifyGlobalDefinition qn $ \def -> def { theDef = it { funProjection = Left NeverProjection } }
_ -> typeError $ GenericError "NOT_PROJECTION_LIKE directive only applies to functions"
A.InlinePragma b x -> do
def <- getConstInfo x
case theDef def of
Function{} -> markInline b x
d@Constructor{ conSrcCon } | copatternMatchingAllowed conSrcCon
-> modifyGlobalDefinition x $ set lensTheDef d{ conInline = b }
_ -> typeError $ GenericError $ applyUnless b ("NO" ++) "INLINE directive only works on functions or constructors of records that allow copattern matching"

I am saying "more effort" here because these cases have some deficiencies:

  • use of GenericError
  • error instead of warning
  • unclear what happens for abstract (because getConstInfo might return AbstractDefn); there should be comments showing that the implementor was aware of abstract and the current implementation works as expected for abstract

ATTN: @WhatisRT @UlfNorell