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Termination checking prefers `data` to `record`

lawcho opened this issue · comments

foldSS passes when data is used, but not when record is used:

-- Fails syntax-based termination checking
record SillyStream (A : Set) : Set where
  inductive; eta-equality; constructor _∷_
  field head : A
  field tail : SillyStream A

-- -- Passes syntax-based termination checking
-- data SillyStream (A : Set) : Set where
--   _∷_
--     : (head : A)
--     → SillyStream A
--     → SillyStream A

foldSS : {A r : Set}  (A  r  r)  SillyStream A  r
foldSS f (head ∷ tail)  = f head (foldSS f tail)

I expected syntax-based termination to spot the structural recursion either way.

Agda Versions tested

It should work if you put no-eta-equality.
With eta, foldSS is not terminating due to the record pattern translation which turns this into

foldSS f s = f (head s) (foldSS f (tail s))

This passes:

record SillyStream (A : Set) : Set where
  inductive; pattern; constructor _∷_
  field head : A
  field tail : SillyStream A

foldSS : {A r : Set}  (A  r  r)  SillyStream A  r
foldSS f (head ∷ tail)  = f head (foldSS f tail)

Yes, because eta is off. This gives an error:

module _ (A : Set) (s : SillyStream A) where

  eta : s ≡ head s ∷ tail s
  eta = refl

It seems like pattern is enough to get data-style checking of a record.

I don't think a doc update is required, since the pattern keyword is discoverable via Agda's error message:

Pattern matching on no-eta record type SillyStream
(defined at /tmp/tmp.O6kGsXwZPr/tmp.agda:2,8-19) is not allowed
(to activate, add declaration `pattern` to record definition)
when checking that the pattern head ∷ tail has type SillyStream A

which arises when I give a naive translation of the data type:

record SillyStream (A : Set) : Set where
  inductive; constructor _∷_
  field head : A
  field tail : SillyStream A

(Agda version 422b932 of master)