agda / agda

Agda is a dependently typed programming language / interactive theorem prover.

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Underapplied pattern synonyms expand to lambdas with wrong hiding in expressions

andreasabel opened this issue · comments

data D : Set where
  c : D  {y : D}  D  D

pattern p x {y} z = c x {y} z

f : D  {y : D}  D  D
f = p


(z : D) → D !=< D
when checking that the expression λ z → p x {y} z has type D

This is already broken in (the oldest Agda I have at my disposal).

Found this bug when reading the code:

A.PatternSyn n -> do
(ns, p) <- lookupPatternSyn n
p <- return $ setRange (getRange n) $ killRange $ vacuous p -- Pattern' Void -> Pattern' Expr
-- Expand the pattern synonym by substituting for
-- the arguments we have got and lambda-lifting
-- over the ones we haven't.
let meta r = A.Underscore $ A.emptyMetaInfo{ A.metaRange = r } -- TODO: name suggestion
case A.insertImplicitPatSynArgs meta (getRange n) ns args of
Nothing -> typeError $ BadArgumentsToPatternSynonym n
Just (s, ns) -> do
let p' = A.patternToExpr p
e' = A.lambdaLiftExpr (map whThing ns) (A.substExpr s p')
checkExpr' cmp e' t

lambdaLiftExpr does not take the hiding into account (it is discarded), so the generated lambdas have the wrong hiding.