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Regression in concerning `with`

mechvel opened this issue · comments

This is on agda- built by
$ cabal install -foptimise-heavily -j1,
used with stdlib-2.0,
ghc-9.0.2, under Linux Debian 12, x86_64 machine.

The below module fragment is type-checked by agda- but not by agda- :

 -- This is the internal loop in  compose-reduceMutually                       
 aux-I :  ℕ → List Pol → List Pol → List Pol                                   
 aux-I 0         _   fs  =  fs                                                 
 aux-I (suc cnt) fs' fs  with any? lmOrdPair? (zip fs' fs)                     
 ...                     | no _  =  fs                                         
 ...                     | yes _ =  aux-I cnt (reduceMutually fs') fs'         
compose-reduceMutually :  ℕ → List Pol → List Pol                               
compose-reduceMutually m fs = unzero (aux-I m (reduceMutually fs) fs)           
 -- We do not see how to avoid using these "-base" and "-step" functions.      
 aux-I-base : ∀ m fs' fs → ¬ Any LmOrdPair (zip fs' fs) →   aux-I m fs' fs ≡ fs           
 aux-I-base 0      _   _  _         =  PE.refl                                 
 aux-I-base (suc m) fs' fs ¬anyOrd  with any? lmOrdPair? (zip fs' fs)          
 ... | no _       = PE.refl    -- this is the point, line 245 ***              
 ... | yes anyOrd = contradiction anyOrd ¬anyOrd                               

The command is
$ agda $agdaLibOpt $agdaFlags GBasis/OverEuclidean/I.agda +RTS -M7G

where $agdaFlags = --auto-inline --guardedness.
The report is

aux-I E vars ppo (suc m) fs' fs                                                 
| any? lmOrdPair? (Data.List.zipWith _,_ fs' fs)       != fs of type                                                                   
(Pol.OverDecComMonoid.Pol   (OfMonoids.mkDecComMonoid                                                      
       (EuclideanDomain.decIntegralDomain E))))))      _≟_)                                                                          
 (Data.List.foldr (λ _ → suc) 0 vars) ppo)                                      
when checking that the expression PE.refl has type                              
(aux-I E vars ppo (suc m) fs' fs   | any? lmOrdPair? (Data.List.zipWith _,_ fs' fs))   ≡ fs                               

Which Agda is more correct in this case: or ?

Is this fragment sufficient to guess of the source?
It not, may be I would try to simplify the example, (which is a very complex code, using many modules).

It not, may be I would try to simplify the example, (which is a very complex code, using many modules).

Thanks for the report.

Yes, a self-contained example would enable us to start investigating this.

Here is a small self-contained test. It is type-checked by Agda- but not by
The details are given in my initial message.

Thanks and congrats, you found a regression in the just-released version of Agda!
A bit unfortunately, could still handle this example, so a last-minute merge caused this.

In your example, with abstraction of any? lmOrdPair? (zip fs' fs) does not fire any more.
I am afraid changes to normalization in the following PR are the probable cause:

CC: @jespercockx

Here is a shrinking not needing the standard library:

open import Agda.Builtin.Equality
open import Agda.Builtin.Nat
open import Agda.Builtin.List
open import Agda.Builtin.Sigma

data  : Set where

data Dec (A : Set) : Set where
  yes : A  Dec A
  no  : (A  ⊥)  Dec A

zipWith : {A B C : Set}  (A  B  C)  List A  List B  List C
zipWith f (x ∷ xs) (y ∷ ys) = f x y ∷ zipWith f xs ys
zipWith f _        _        = []

zip : {A B : Set}  List A  List B  List (Σ A λ _  B)
zip = zipWith (_,_)

Mon    = Σ Nat λ _  Nat
Pol    = List Mon
PolPol = Σ Pol λ _  Pol

  ANY   :  {A : Set}  A
  _<lm_ : (f g : Pol)  Set
  _<lm?_ :  x y  Dec (x <lm y)
  Any    : {A : Set}  (A  Set)  List A  Set

LmOrdPair : PolPol  Set
LmOrdPair (f , g) =  f <lm g

lmOrdPair? :  p  Dec (LmOrdPair p)
lmOrdPair? (f , g) =  f <lm? g

any? : {A}{P : A  Set}  ( x  Dec (P x))   xs  Dec (Any P xs)
any? P? []          = no ANY
any? P? (x ∷ xs)
    with P? x | any? P? xs
... | yes p | _     = yes ANY
... | no ¬p | yes q = yes ANY
... | no ¬p | no ¬q = no  ANY

aux-I :  List Pol  List Pol  List Pol
aux-I fs' fs
    with any? lmOrdPair? (zip fs' fs)
... | no _  =  fs
... | yes _ =  aux-I fs' fs'

aux-I-base :  fs' fs  aux-I fs' fs ≡ fs
aux-I-base fs' fs
    with any? lmOrdPair? (zip fs' fs)
... | yes anyOrd = ANY
... | no _       = refl

More shrinking, getting rid of the builtin libraries:

data _≡_ {A : Set} (x : A) : A  Set where
  refl : x ≡ x

record Wrap (A : Set) : Set where
  -- pattern; no-eta-equality   -- can't turn off eta
  constructor wrap
  field wrapped : A

data Dec (A : Set) : Set where
  no : Dec A

  foo : {A : Set}{P : A  Set}  ( x  Dec (P x))   (x : A)  Dec (P x)
    -- can't inline P = LtWrap
    -- can't define foo = id
  Nat : Set
  P   : Nat  Set
  p?  :  x  Dec (P x)

-- can't make these postulates
PWrap : Wrap Nat  Set
PWrap (wrap f) = P f

pWrap? :  p  Dec (PWrap p)
pWrap? (wrap f) = p? f

bar : Wrap Nat  Wrap Nat
bar fs with foo pWrap? fs
... | no = fs

test :  fs  bar fs ≡ fs
test fs with foo pWrap? fs
... | no = refl

Problem seems to be connected to eta for Wrap.

As suspected, bisect says: 3abef8d is the first bad commit (PR #7122).