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Pattern synonyms with named arguments can be defined but not used

andreasabel opened this issue · comments

data C : Set where
  c : C  C

pattern p {x = y} = c y

works : C  C
works (p {x}) = x

fails : C  C
fails (p {x = y}) = y

Bad arguments to pattern synonym p

If I define the pattern synonym unnamed or de-facto unnamed way, the problem goes away:

pattern p {x} = c x
pattern p {x = x} = c x

Apparently, named arguments in pattern lhss are already discarded (silently!) in the parser. The concrete syntax only has one name per lhs argument:

| PatternSyn Range Name [Arg Name] Pattern

PatternSynArgs :: { [Arg Name] }
PatternSynArgs : DomainFreeBindings {% patternSynArgs $1 }

The culprit is then the patternSynArgs function in the parser:
patternSynArgs :: [NamedArg Binder] -> Parser [Arg Name]
patternSynArgs = mapM pSynArg
pSynArg x
| let h = getHiding x, h `notElem` [Hidden, NotHidden] =
abort $ prettyShow h ++ " arguments not allowed to pattern synonyms"
| not (isRelevant x) =
abort "Arguments to pattern synonyms must be relevant"
| Just p <- binderPattern (namedArg x) =
abort "Arguments to pattern synonyms cannot be patterns themselves"
| otherwise = return $ fmap (boundName . binderName . namedThing) x

Named arguments were never supported in pattern synonym definitions; the initial implementation for hidden patsyn parameters only has an example for an unnamed hidden parameter: c935600

Agda < 2.6 rejects to parse them (correct behavior), Agda 2.6.0 and up parses them but can't use them (bad behavior). Thus, this is a regression in 2.6.0.

Agda also silently discards tactic attributes in pattern definitions:

open import Agda.Builtin.Nat
open import Agda.Builtin.Reflection
open import Agda.Builtin.Unit

nothing : Term  TC ⊤
nothing hole = returnTC _

pattern p {@(tactic nothing) x} = suc x
-- Accepted, but should complain about tactics not being allowed in pattern synonyms

It should maybe also not allow erasure annotations in pattern synonyms...

{-# OPTIONS --erasure #-}

open import Agda.Builtin.Nat

pattern p (@0 x) = suc x
-- should be rejected!

pred : Nat  Nat
pred (p x) = x
pred zero  = zero