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Redefining `Data.Nat.DivMod.DivMod`

jamesmckinna opened this issue · comments

[tagged as v2.0, because this is a last opportunity to break this now before v3.0]

Why does the record definition DivMod not take an additional irrelevant instance argument .{{_ : NonZero divisor}} as part its definition?

Two potential knock-on consequences of the change:

  • the entire section could then be defined in a single module (modulo fixing up the infix declarations)? (But such a refactoring could be done downstream in v2.(n+1))
  • use of the specification and its implementation(s) then enforces an additional compile-time check on client modules (maybe there are pros and cons to this?)

Re: the last point. Only knock-on consequence appears to be the need to (re-)instate {{_ : NonZero divisor}} in the type of _divMod_ in place of the current {{ NonZero divisor }} in Data.Nat.DivMod.WithK...

Maybe because this would be redundant? NonZero divisor is a trivial consequence of DivMod:

-- The Agda standard library
-- Properties of DivMod

{-# OPTIONS --cubical-compatible --safe #-}

module Data.Nat.DivMod.Properties where

open import Data.Nat using (ℕ; suc; NonZero)
open import Data.Nat.DivMod using (DivMod)

divMod-non-zero-divisor : {dividend divisor : ℕ}
    DivMod dividend divisor
    NonZero divisor
divMod-non-zero-divisor {divisor = suc _} _ = _

Shall I PR this, @MatthewDaggitt ?

Ha! Of course, using the Fin-typed field ... I'm not thinking clearly. Thanks, I'll close...

On second thoughts (and stifling the instinct to hide my stupidity 🤦 ), please feel free to file a PR... not sure what @MatthewDaggitt will say!

Maybe @MatthewDaggitt or @gallais has some advice where to place this lemma and how to name it...

Given I only tagged the issue as v2.0 for the sake of it being a breaking change, which it turns out not to be, I suspect this will in any case get pushed to v2.1 at the earliest.
Regarding naming: I'd be tempted by divMod⇒nonZero (plain nonZero seems a hostage to fortune)
Regarding placement: given the addition, it probably makes most sense to leave in-place in Data.nat.DivMod?

Alternatively, I suppose it could simply be added as a manifest field of the record DivMod:

record DivMod (dividend divisor : ℕ) : Set where

  nonZero : NonZero divisor
  nonZero with remainder
  ... | zero  = _
  ... | suc _ = _

UPDATED: better still, a new lemma in Data.Fin.Properties

nonZero : Fin n  ℕ.NonZero n
nonZero {n = suc _} _ = _

and then the above manifest field reduces to DivMod.nonZero = Fin.nonZero remainder...

So for starters, in the last 8 years I've never had any feedback that someone has actually used that specification. Furthermore, to be honest, I think we really haven't put enough effort into thinking about how to design the library around specifications of operations. If and when we do so, we will probably end up deprecating this definition anyway.

So in my opinion I think adding properties about it is pretty low priority... Having said that divMod⇒nonZero seems reasonable if you do really want to go ahead and add it.

Well, once it was pointed out to me that it's an admissible property, I was certainly less committed to it ;-) but @andreasabel how much do you want this now? If not that much, suggest we close, as I had originally...

As for the discussion of the specification vs. implementation, its only use as I understand it is in Data.Nat.DivMod.WithK, where the remainder field is (re-)implemented with an erasing version fromℕ<″ but I think that even that might better be reconsidered down the road at some point...?

So for starters, in the last 8 years I've never had any feedback that someone has actually used that specification.

Maybe @mechvel has?

but @andreasabel how much do you want this now? If not that much, suggest we close, as I had originally...

Not much. Sure.

As I understand it, @mechvel uses the binary representations of natural numbers and general algebraic structures in their project...

As I understand it, @mechvel uses the binary representations of natural numbers and general algebraic structures in their

So far, I used Nat/Binary only once, for programming the binary method for powering in Monoid.
And I do widely use general algebraic structures of Standard, and also implement further classical structures:
DecCommutativeRing, IntegralDomain, EuclideanDomian, Field, FactiorizationDomain, and such.

As to Data.Nat.DivMod, my project relates to it as follows. I define the format

DivRem :  Set _                                                                 
DivRem =  C → (y : C) → y ≉ 0# → C × C                                          

under the environment of any DecIntegralDomain. My impression is that this direct usage of y ≉ 0# is better that various tricks with a particular usage of Nonzero, with taking suc in account (which does not exist in many popular domains), with searching instances by {{....}}, and with defining these instances.

Then, the abstract EuclideanDomain includes divRem : DivRem.
The EuclideanDomain instance for ℤ includes the instance of divRem, and this instance implementation still uses the items from Data.Nat.DivMod this way:

quotₙ :  ℕ → (n : ℕ) → n ≢ 0 → ℕ                                                   
quotₙ m n n≢0 =  _/_ m n {fromWitnessFalse n≢0}  

remₙ :  ℕ → (n : ℕ) → n ≢ 0 → ℕ                  
remₙ m n n≢0 =  _%_ m n {fromWitnessFalse n≢0} 

(using lib-1.7.3). I just use the instances of divRem, and sometimes I am forced to prove irrelevance of certain results on the proofs for y ≉ 0#
(In the definition of IsEuclideanDomain, this irrelevance for the quotient is also required as axiom).
I do not really know of whether the Standard library approach to Nat.DivMod is the best on not, whether it is in 1.7.3 or in 2.0.
I am going to change respectively the implementation of quotₙ : ℕ → (n : ℕ) → n ≢ 0 → ℕ
depending on the way the items in Nat.DivMod are defined in Standard.