agcentory240 / ionic-cross-platform-iap-subacription

Ionic example of cross platform app that sells auto renew subscription (In App Purchase) with Firebase validation

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Ionic Cross Platform In App Purchase Subscription With Firebase

Example of ionic cross platform app (ios, android and web) that let the user buy an auto renew subscription service and enjoy the service on all of his devices.

The Problem:

We want to sell an auto subscription of a service in our app but let the user the ability to get the service at another devices and platform without having to purchase it again and with the ability to track unsubscribe.

The Solution:

  • User sign in useing firebase auth.
  • User purchase a subscription (using cordova-plugin-purchase).
  • We store the receipt at firebase database.
  • We validate the receipt with firebase functions (using in-app-purchase) on any device after the user sign-in, based on the database receipt.

Try it:

If you like to see the app in action email me your relevant email address and i will add you to my testers at ituns connect and google play console.

You can also see the PWA.

Getting Started:

  1. Set the project:

    • Download the project.
    • At the project folder run:
      $ npm install
  2. Setup Firebase:

    • Go to firebase console and create a project.

    • At the side menu click Authentication and enable Email/Password provider.

    • At the overview screen click on: Add Firebase to your web app and copy this part:

      {apiKey: "xxxxxxxxxxxxx",
      authDomain: "",
      databaseURL: "",
      projectId: "xxxxxx-xxxxxx",
      storageBucket: "",
      messagingSenderId: "xxxxxxxxxxxxx"};
    • Replace the var firebaseConfig at file app.module.ts with the config you copied in the previous step.

  3. Create Apps in Appstore and Google Play:

    • ! When you create In App Purchase prodoct use the same prodoct id for ios and android.
    • Setup iOS Applications
    • Setup Android Applications
    • When you done go to file and paste the product Id:
      private productId = "paste-product-id-here";
    • go to file config.xml and paste the app id:
      <widget id="paste-app-id-here" version="0.0.1" xmlns="" xmlns:cdv="">
  4. Setup apple password for firebase validate function:

    • Open the App in ituns connect.
    • Click Features.
    • From In-App Purchases, click App-Specific Shared Secret.
    • Copy the Shared Secret.
    • Go to file index.js in folder functions, and paste the Shared Secret:
      const iosConfig = { applePassword: "paste-the-shared-secret-here"}
  5. Setup google key for firebase validate function:

    • Open the app in google play console.
    • Select Development tools and Services & APIs.
    • Copy the license key for the application.
    • Go to file index.js in folder functions, and paste the key:
      const gpk = "paste-the-key-here"
    • Run:
      $ cordova plugin remove cc.fovea.cordova.purchase
    • Run:
      $ cordova plugin add cc.fovea.cordova.purchase --variable BILLING_KEY="paste-the-key-here"
      with the gpk.
  6. Setup Google Play Store API

    • Go to file index.js in folder functions
    • Follow this steps to set the :
      const androidConfig = {
          googlePublicKeyStrSandbox: gpk,
          googlePublicKeyStrLive: gpk,
          googleAccToken: "paste-googleAccToken-here",
          googleRefToken: "paste-googleRefToken-here",
          googleClientID: "paste-googleClientID-here",
          googleClientSecret: "paste-googleClientSecret-here"
  7. Deploy vlaidateRecipits function:

    • Do this step after you done steps 4,5,6.

    • go to functions folder:

      $ cd functions
    • Run

      $ npm install
    • Go back to the root folder $ cd ../

    • Make sure at the root folder

    • Run:

      $ firbase login

      And follow the instructions.

    • Run:

      $ firebase deploy --only functions
    • When deploy success you will see the url of the function on firebase servers, copy the url.

    • Go to file in folder src/services and paste the url:

      private functionUrl = "paste-url-here";
  8. Cors setup

    • Use gsutil to setup Cors for firebase project. This step is required for the application to communicate with the server.
    • If you do not have gsutil installed, install it.
    • The file cors.gcloud.json is in the root folder, in this file add to origin array any url address you using in your app.
    • Replace the xxxxxxxxx with your firebase app id an run:
    gsutil cors set cors.gcloud.json gs://
  9. Test


Ionic example of cross platform app that sells auto renew subscription (In App Purchase) with Firebase validation


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