afterdesign / termX

MacTerminal is a SublimeText plugin. It opens new Terminal tab (on current or new window if necessary). It's working with Terminal and iTerm.

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Cannot start iterm correctly

xiaoweiz opened this issue · comments

If Iterm 2 is already started, then it can correctly initiate a new tab. However, if it's not, then it can not start Iterm 2. The same issue does not occur to the default terminal shipped with Mac. Here is the error message from the debug mode.

---MacTerminal DEBUG START---
{'cmd': u'/usr/bin/osascript/Users/zhangxiaowei/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 2/Packages/MacTerminal/macterminal_iterm.scpt/Users/zhangxiaowei/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 2/Packages/User',
'default_path': None,
'err': '/Users/zhangxiaowei/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 2/Packages/MacTerminal/macterminal_iterm.scpt:243:251: script error: Expected class name but found identifier. (-2741)\n',
'out': '',
'terminal_name': u'iterm'}
---MacTerminal DEBUG END---

This is quite strange. I have the last stable version of iterm 2 and it's working ok.
Which version of iterm2 are you using ? Because it looks like there is a mismatch of applescript API.

I'm using the latest version of ITerm 2 too.

I run macterminal_iterm.scpt with AppleScript and was prompted to select the corresponding application. After I selected ITerm 2, the issue was then gone...

Didn't know what really happened there, but hopefully this may give you some hint.