aertje / cloud-tasks-emulator

Google cloud tasks emulator

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

HTTP Task cannot call localhost

almen-wong opened this issue · comments

I use the emulator to create HTTP Task
The task is able to GET, but when I GET http://localhost:8000 the task will fail
Response: UNKNOWN(2): HTTP status code -1

this is how I setup the emulator


    container_name: gcloud-tasks
    command: -host -port 8123 -queue "projects/mysandbox/locations/asia-east1/queues/test"
      - "${TASKS_PORT:-8123}:8123"

and this is how i create the task

    const client = new CloudTasksClient({
      port: 8123,
      servicePath: "localhost",
      sslCreds: credentials.createInsecure(),

    const parent = client.queuePath(
    const task = {
      httpRequest: {
        httpMethod: "GET",
        url: "http://localhost:8000",
   const request = { parent, task }
   await client.createTask(request)

any ideas why I cannot call the localhost? I can call http://localhost:8000 directly.

Hi @almen-wong,

You can either start the container's network in host mode if you're using linux (add network_mode: host in the docker compose) or you can access the host on host.docker.internal (instead of using localhost).

A quick google of "call localhost from docker container" would've given you this useful SO answer.

Hope that helps, cheers.

Thanks for your help @aertje

However, when I changed to host.docker.internal, i will have the error connection refused
seems like the host refuses to allow the docker container to connect
Do you know how to solve it?

Hope you resolved the issue @almen-wong. Closing this ticket as this is not a problem with the emulator.