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script.ezmaintenanceplus Kodi 19

Janasek opened this issue · comments


Can you add support for Kodi 19
I care most about script.ezmaintenanceplus


Since it has been 2 years that any code change was done and there is almost no answer to issues here, I am a bit afraid for changes for kodi 19 (Matrix)...

However that said, I have been working on it and I have already a working version for Matrix, even with a number of small improvements. The only thing I haven't done yet is complete reset and the wizard all other things work.
Soon I will post here a link where a Matrix version can be downloaded.


Is there a way I can put the changed code here? Otherewise I will clone the repo and put my changes under my name.

Good news!

complete reset is the option I least care about, I do it with putty if I need to
Any chance of pre-rlease?

Tonight I will have a first version. For the wizard, I have to find a way to execute this somehow because I never ever use builds and that is where it is used for as I understand it.


Ok, a first version of EZ Maintenance+ for Matrix (Kodi 19) is available.

Note that this version only works on this new kodi version, not on Leia (Kodi 18) or older. Maybe I will adapt it later that it also works for those versions.
All functionality seems to work.

See for installation instructions and then you must of course choose to install EZ Maintenance+

Looking foreward to your testing.


thanks for your time
Maybe we'll move to your github?

error log:


An update is available on

It should fix your problem.

This version is now also for both Kodi 18 and 19.

I asked the question to the original developers here if my changes can be put here but I haven't had any response until now.
If it keeps silent I will make a clone and put it on my github.

One more opction for settings,thus it cannot be changed to default

<category label="Backup/Restore">
	<setting id="download.path" type="folder" label="Backup Location" visible="True" />
	<setting id="restore.path" type="folder" label="Restore from Zip Location (folder)" visible="True" />

now it will be possible to delete the location

<category label="Backup/Restore">
	<setting id="download.path" type="folder" label="Backup Location" default="special://" visible="True" />
	<setting id="restore.path" type="folder" label="Restore from Zip Location (folder)" default="special://" visible="True" />

it would be good if you could delete older backup versions


I don't see the advantage of having special:// as default there. When you do that and immediately go to backup you get an error because it does not know what to do with special://

"special: //" is an example

go to the plugin settings set the backup location, and then press the default settings of the backup location, it cannot be deleted

So what is exactly your question? If you press default settings that the backup and restore locations are not changed?

"If you press default settings that the backup and restore locations are not changed?"


if it's not a problem to add it, ' default=" " ' with space in ""

That is against kodi standards and would be a case you only want according to me

ok, never mind thanks for the fix