aelij / ConfigureAwaitChecker

ConfigureAwait Checker for ReSharper and Rider

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ReSharper disable comments don't work

ejball opened this issue · comments

ReSharper disable comments (e.g. added via Alt+Enter > Options > Disable) don't actually disable the issue (plugin, R# 8.2.3000.5176, VS 2013 update 3). Is this a universal problem or just on my machine?

// ReSharper disable ConsiderUsingConfigureAwait
await Task.Delay(500);

(Thanks for this plugin, by the way! We are thinking about requiring ConfigureAwait on all await calls and I checked for a plugin on a whim.)

You're right, I'll look into it.

I think it's very prudent to require ConfigureAwait everywhere.


Thanks for the plug-in.

I have the same issue.
I'm unable to ignore it with a comment, or with the suppression attribute when applied to the method, the class, or the assembly.
[SuppressMessage( "ReSharper", "ConsiderUsingConfigureAwait" )]

Because ConfigureAwait is suitable for libraries, but not for front-end-consumers of those libraries, I need to be able to disable it for certain assemblies, classes or methods were it's not appropriate.

In the mean time I need to disable the plug-in as I'm getting too many false positives.

Fixed in 19386d9 and published. Thanks for reporting this.

Thank you for working on this! Unfortunately, the updated extension is not working at all for me, by which I mean that missing ConfigureAwait calls are no longer marked. I also tried uninstall and reinstall. It shows up in R# options, both under "plugins" and under "inspection severity" where it is set to "warning". Any ideas?

Which R# version are you using?

JetBrains ReSharper 8.2.3 C# Edition
Build 8.2.3000.5176 on 2014-10-10T03:08:24

Please try now.

Sorry for the delay; it works great! Again, thank you so much! Now my unit tests can look a little cleaner... :-)