aegif / CmisSync

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When rename a document (from client) CmisSync launch a conflict related the own user, as shows the image attached

Vikcen opened this issue · comments


It says an unknown user added a file at the same time as you. It occurs always, being the same user that renamed the document.

Could you help us with that please?


Thank you for reporting!
We are currently in the middle of a big refactoring, hopefully it will solve this problem.

Thanks a lot for the fast feedback!

Could be that the client (CmisSync) is not refreshing the object of the renamed document after the rename operation? something like this:


Also, this is the log im getting:

CmisSync.Lib.Cmis.BaseException: Referencia a objeto no establecida como instancia de un objeto. ---> System.NullReferenceException: Referencia a objeto no establecida como instancia de un objeto.
en CmisSync.Lib.Sync.CmisRepo.SynchronizedFolder.ProcessRecoverableException(String logMessage, Exception exception)
en CmisSync.Lib.Sync.CmisRepo.SynchronizedFolder.CheckLocalFile(String localFilePath, IFolder remoteFolder, IList1 localFilenameTranslationOfExistingRemoteDocuments) en CmisSync.Lib.Sync.CmisRepo.SynchronizedFolder.CheckLocalFiles(String localFolder, IFolder remoteFolder, IList1 localFilenameTranslationOfExistingRemoteDocuments)
en CmisSync.Lib.Sync.CmisRepo.SynchronizedFolder.CrawlSync(IFolder remoteFolder, String remotePath, String localFolder)
en CmisSync.Lib.Sync.CmisRepo.SynchronizedFolder.Sync()
en CmisSync.Lib.Sync.CmisRepo.SynchronizedFolder.<>c__DisplayClass35_0.<.ctor>b__0(Object o, DoWorkEventArgs args)
--- Fin del seguimiento de la pila de la excepción interna ---

Seems like it no refresh the object,and it is asking for the old document, that already doesn't exist in the server because it was renamed.

Could you do a simple test of rename a document within the synchronized folder from the client (CmisSync), that is connected against your cmis server, if you are getting the same problem?

Greetings and thank you.

No problem, the rename is working now, we had an issue in our server implementation.