aegershman / vector-boshrelease

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Remove watch-config from the executable args

gid0 opened this issue · comments



I tried deploying your latest vector bosh release. No changes to the manifest, only vars.yml.

From /var/vcap/sys/log/vector/vector.stderr.log:
`error: The argument '--watch-config ' requires a value but none was supplied

vector --color --config ... --log-format --watch-config

For more information try --help`

And the vector service does not start.
After editing /var/vcap/jobs/vector/config/bpm.yml and removing the "--watch-config" arg, I can finally "monit start vector".
According to the vector --help, this arg expects a value, but none is provided. I don't think it's a manifest issue, as the template won't use any variable either in
I don't think this arg is useful, as config changes will be deployed by bosh, which will do a monit restart of the process. "--watch-config" is probably overkill.

hey @gid0 thanks for pointing it out, I agree with you on --watch-config, it's not effective considering any update to vars which prompts a re-render of the vector_toml template will also prompt monit to restart the process. Or, at least it should.

Out of curiosity, did you configure anything for vector_toml in your vars.yml? Or just leave it undefined? (for convenient links see the job spec template here:

or an example I used for local development here:

I'm wondering if this implies --watch-config has never worked. I'll test sometime in the next few days.

In the mean time I'll just remove --watch-config and cut a patch soon


I used as an example yes, and then it's only standard Vector config. I defined vector_toml in the vars.yml, I didn't try deploying it without this as I believe the bosh deployment would fail if the variable is not user-defined nor defined as a variable in the template.

Thank you very much for issuing a release so quick, and even more for making this bosh release!

Interesting. Okay, hm, I wonder how that slipped by when I was writing this and testing earlier. That's a bit embarrassing, apologies.

No prob, though 🤙 -- no rush but when you get a chance, try out 0.2.2 and let me know if it doesn't cooperate as expected. I'm going to mark this issue as closed in a few hours unless closed/commented otherwise, but, if you run into any problems please @ me in this comment body or open a new issue. Thanks for pointing this out, good catch