aeaphichart / AT-COMMAND-ELM327


Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Code Implemented Type Short description
@1 YES General Display the device description
@2 YES General Display the device identifier
@3 cccccccccccc NO General Store the device identifier
<CR> NO General Repeat the last command
AL YES OBD Allow Long (>7 byte) messages
AMC YES OBD Display Activity Monitor Count
AMT hh YES OBD Set the Activity Mon Timeout to hh
AR YES OBD Automatic Receive
AT0 YES OBD Adaptive Timing Off
AT1 YES OBD Adaptive Timing Auto1
AT2 YES OBD Adaptive Timing Auto2
BD YES OBD Perform a Buffer Dump
BI YES OBD Bypass the Initialization sequence
BRD hh YES General Try Baud rate Divisor hh
BRT hh YES General Set Baud Rate handshake Timeout
CAF0 YES CAN CAN Automatic Formatting Off
CAF1 YES CAN CAN Automatic Formatting On
CEA YES CAN Turn off CAN Extended Addressing
CEA hh YES CAN Use CAN Extended Address hh
CER hh NO CAN Set CAN Extended Rx address to hh
CF hh hh hh hh NO CAN Set the ID Filter to hhhhhhhh
CF hhh NO CAN Set the ID Filter to hhh
CFC0 YES CAN CAN Flow Control Off
CFC1 YES CAN CAN Flow Control On
CM hh hh hh hh NO CAN Set the ID Mask to hhhhhhhh
CM hhh NO CAN Set the ID Mask to hhh
CP hh NO CAN Set CAN Priority (only for 29 bit)
CRA NO CAN Reset CAN Receive Address filters
CRA hhh NO CAN Set CAN Receive Address to hhh
CRA hhhhhhhh NO CAN Set CAN Receive Address to hhhhhhhh
CS NO CAN Show the CAN Status
CSM0 YES CAN CAN Silent Mode Off
CSM1 YES CAN CAN Silent Mode On
CTM1 NO CAN Set Timer Multiplier to 1*
CTM5 NO CAN Set Timer Multiplier to 5
CV dddd YES Voltage Calibrate the Voltage to dd.dd volts
CV 0000 YES Voltage Restore CV value to factory setting
D YES General Set all to Defaults
D0 YES CAN Display of the DLC Off
D1 YES CAN Display of the DLC On
DM1 NO J1939 (J1939) Monitor for DM1 messages
DP YES OBD Describe the current Protocol
DPN YES OBD Describe the Protocol by Number
E0 YES General Echo Off
E1 YES General Echo On
FC SD [1-5 bytes] NO CAN Flow Control Set Data to [...]
FC SH hh hh hh hh NO CAN Flow Control Set the Header to hhhhhhhh
FC SH hhh NO CAN Flow Control Set the Header to hhh
FC SM h NO CAN Flow Control Set the Mode to h
FE NO General Forget Events
FI YES ISO Perform a Fast Initiation
H0 YES OBD Headers Off
H1 YES OBD Headers On
I YES General Print the ID
IB 10 YES ISO Set the ISO Baud rate to 10400
IB 12 YES ISO Set the ISO Baud rate to 12500
IB 15 YES ISO Set the ISO Baud rate to 15625
IB 48 YES ISO Set the ISO Baud rate to 4800
IB 96 YES ISO Set the ISO Baud rate to 9600
IFR H NO J1850 IFR value from Header
IFR S NO J1850 IFR value from Source
IFR0 NO J1850 IFRs Off, if not monitoring
IFR1 NO J1850 IFRs Auto, if not monitoring
IFR2 NO J1850 IFRs On, if not monitoring
IFR3 NO J1850 IFRs Off, all the times
IFR4 NO J1850 IFRs Auto, all the times
IFR5 NO J1850 IFRs On, all the times
IGN YES Other Read the IgnMon input level Other
IIA hh NO ISO Set the ISO (slow) Init Address to hh
JE NO J1939 Use J1939 Elm data format
JHF0 YES J1939 J1939 Header Formatting Off
JHF1 YES J1939 J1939 Header Formatting On
JS NO J1939 Use J1939 SAE data format
JTM1 NO J1939 Set the J1939 Timer Multiplier to 1x
JTM5 NO J1939 Set the J1939 Timer Multiplier to 5x
KW YES ISO Display the Key Words
KW0 YES ISO Key Word checking Off
KW1 YES ISO Key Word checking On
L0 YES General Linefeeds Off
L1 YES General Linefeeds On
LP YES General Go to Low Power mode
M0 YES General Memory Off
M1 YES General Memory On
MA YES OBD Monitor All
MP hhhh NO J1939 (J1939) Monitor for PGN hhhh
MP hhhh n NO J1939 (J1939) Monitor for PGN hhhh, get n messages
MP hhhhhh NO J1939 (J1939) Monitor for PGN hhhhhh
MP hhhhhh n NO J1939 (J1939) Monitor for PGN hhhhhh, get n messages
MR hh NO OBD Monitor for Receiver = hh
MT hh NO OBD Monitor for Transmitter = hh
NL YES OBD Normal Length (7 byte) messages
PB xx yy NO CAN Set Protocol B options and baud rate
PC YES OBD Protocol Close
PP FF OFF YES PP All Prog Parameters Off
PP FF ON YES PP All Prog Parameters On
PP xx OFF YES PP Disable Prog Parameter xx
PP xx ON YES PP Enable Prog Parameter xx
PP xx SV yy YES PP For PP xx, Set the Value to yy
PPS YES PP Print a PP Summary
R0 YES OBD Responses Off
R1 YES OBD Responses On
RA hh NO OBD Set the Receive Address to hh
RD YES General Read the stored Data
RTR NO CAN Send an RTR message
RV YES Voltage Read the Voltage
S0 YES OBD Printing of Spaces Off
S1 YES OBD Printing of Spaces On
SD hh YES General Store Data byte hh
SH ww xx yy zz NO OBD Set Header
SH xx yy zz NO OBD Set Header
SH yzz NO OBD Set Header
SI YES ISO Perform a Slow Initiation
SP Ah YES OBD Set Protocol to Auto, h and save it
SP h YES OBD Set Protocol to h and save it
SP 00 YES OBD Set Protocol to Auto and save it
SR hh YES OBD Set the Receive address to hh
SS NO OBD Set Standard Search order (J1978)
ST hh YES OBD Set Timeout to hh x 4 msec
SW hh YES ISO Set Wakeup interval to hh x 20 msec
SW 00 YES ISO Stop sending Wakeup messages
TA hh NO OBD Set Tester Address to hh
TP Ah YES OBD Try Protocol h with Auto search
TP h YES OBD Try Protocol h
V0 YES CAN Use of Variable DLC Off
V1 YES CAN Use of Variable DLC On
WM [1-6 bytes] NO ISO Set the Wakeup Message
WM xxyyzzaa NO ISO Set the Wakeup Message to xxyyzzaa
WM xxyyzzaabb NO ISO Set the Wakeup Message to xxyyzzaabb
WM xxyyzzaabbcc NO ISO Set the Wakeup Message to xxyyzzaabbcc
WS YES General Warm Start
Z YES General Reset all
