adtzlr / tensortrax

Differentiable Tensors based on NumPy Arrays

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Hessians for a list of `wrt`

adtzlr opened this issue · comments


Use hessian() for the diagonal entries because this supports the sym-argument. Mixed-partials are evaluated by hand. Only the upper triangle part of the mixed partials is evaluated.

import tensortrax as tr
import tensortrax.math as tm
import numpy as np
from copy import copy

def fun(F, p, J):
    C =, F)
    detF = tm.linalg.det(F)
    return detF ** (-2/3) * (tm.trace(C) - 3) + (J - 1) ** 2 + p * (J - detF)

def hessians(fun, wrt, ntrax=0, sym=False, parallel=False):
    def inner(*args, **kwargs):
        out = []
        for a, b in zip(*np.triu_indices(len(wrt))):
            if a == b:
                symlocal = False
                if sym and hasattr(wrt[a], "size"):
                    symlocal = True
                        fun, wrt=wrt[a], ntrax=ntrax, sym=symlocal, parallel=parallel
                    )(F, p, J)
                tensorargs = list(copy(args))
                tensorargs[a] = tr.Tensor(args[a], ntrax=ntrax)
                tensorargs[b] = tr.Tensor(args[b], ntrax=ntrax)
                tensorargs[a].init(hessian=True, δx=True, Δx=False)
                tensorargs[b].init(hessian=True, δx=False, Δx=True)
                out.append(tr.Δδ(fun(*tensorargs, **kwargs)))
        return out
    return inner

F = np.eye(3)
p = np.array([5])
J = np.array([3])

h = hessians(fun, wrt=[1,2,0], ntrax=0, sym=True, parallel=True)(F, p, J)