adrienverge / openfortivpn

Client for PPP+TLS VPN tunnel services

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

v1.21.0 Segmentation fault

Drotak opened this issue · comments

When I try to run v1.21.0 I'm getting just the message "Segmentation fault", reverting to v1.20.5 everything works as expected!

I'm using NixOS and building my openfortivpn with an overlay fetching the tar.gz archive from github.

$ nixos-version
23.05.885.bb8b5735d6f (Stoat)

$ sudo openfortivpn --version
$ sudo openfortivpn --pppd-accept-remote
Segmentation fault

$ sudo openfortivpn --version
$ sudo openfortivpn --pppd-accept-remote
VPN account password: 
INFO:   Connected to gateway.
INFO:   Authenticated.
INFO:   Remote gateway has allocated a VPN.
Using interface ppp0
Connect: ppp0 <--> /dev/pts/1
INFO:   Got addresses: [10.XXX.XXX.XXX], ns [10.XX.XX.XX,], ns_suffix [mydomain.local]
INFO:   Negotiation complete.
local  IP address 10.XXX.XXX.XXX
remote IP address 212.XXX.XXX.XXX
INFO:   Interface ppp0 is UP.
INFO:   Setting new routes...
INFO:   Adding VPN nameservers...
INFO:   Tunnel is up and running.

Try without --pppd-accept-remote, or with --pppd-accept-remote=0 or --pppd-accept-remote=1. Does it help?

I might not handle correctly the case where --pppd-accept-remote doesn't take an (optional) argument.

I can reproduce the segfault on Ubuntu 22.04 with master, even without --pppd-accept-remote, but not with the 1.21.0 release. It's related to the SNI option

I don't know how NixOS packages work. Are you certain you're using openfortivpn 1.21.0 and not the latest code in the master branch?

You are right, I was building directly from master - this was my mistake, sorry for the unnecassary work! ;)

Not at all, you did point me to an issue I had overlooked. Thank you for that.