adriens / odata-data-gouv-nc

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:link: Implement sdg_goals_relationships_with-headers.csv

adriens opened this issue · comments

Implemented with the following PROMPT:

You're about to analyze United Nations Goals hierarchy by analyzing its hierarchy for datascience.

Therefore, you will create a csv file with the columns "source", "target" and explanation.
On each line, you will put the source SDG goal with its id and in the target  the UN SDG on which it depends.
Use the explanation column to explain why you chose to connect these two goals.
Notice that a SDG can rely on multiple other SDG. In this case, you will have multiple lines with the same source and different targets.

SDG Goals will be noted as follows, for example "SDG 1" will be noted byt its id "1" in the csv file.

For example :

- SDG-2 (Zero Hunger)  depends on SDG-1 (No Poverty), so : then source should be SDG-2 and target should be SDG-1 

Do this for each goal and deliver the csv file. In the explain column, explain why you  chose to connect these two goals.
Notice that I will use this data to implement a directed graph. So take great care to repsect source and target order.
Use quotes to separate the columns and commas to separate the values in the csv file.

Do your best to connect goals between each other, think step by step for each goal and explain.
Use deep understanding of the goals to connect them and do not skip any goal.