adrianVide / guidesmiths-front

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Test challenge using React/Redux and NodeJS

Available Scripts

Please navigate to /back on the console and run:

npm i

npm run dev

to keep the backend running with nodemon on port 3001.

Local run

On a new console tab please navigate to /front and run:

npm i

npm start

the React/Redux app will be running on http://localhost:3000 While both front and back are running, you can open a new console tab and run:

npm run cypress

the cypress UI will pop up and tests can be run from there. Please note the line 12 in /front/src/storeConfig.js has been commented out so cypress can run. If you want to use Redux dev tools please include that line and cypress will behave unpredictably.

Dockerized run

On a new console navigate to /front and run:

docker-compose up

Wait for docker to build the container and install dependancies and the React/Redux app will be running on http://localhost:3000. Remember that backend NodeJS app must be running.

To use cypress in the dockerized app modify line 12 in as follow:

CMD ["npm", "run", "cypress"]



Language:JavaScript 83.4%Language:CSS 9.0%Language:HTML 6.9%Language:Shell 0.7%