adriantoine / enzyme-to-json

Snapshot test your Enzyme wrappers

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Bound function names no longer showing in snapshots

alistaircolling opened this issue · comments

Hi there, I recently upgraded a project:


  • React 15.4.2
  • Enzyme 2.8.2
  • enzyme-to-json 1.5.1


  • React 16.3.1
  • Enzyme 3.3.0
  • enzyme-to-json 3.3.3

Now lots of tests are failing due to snapshots not matching:

  + expected - actual
      -    onBlur={[Function]}
      -    onChange={[Function]}
      +    onBlur={[Function bound onBlurHandler]}
      +    onChange={[Function bound onChangeHandler]}

Is this expected behaviour? I guess tests are more brittle if the handler names are there.
Thanks :)

I have the same issue with shallow render:

  • React 16.4.0
  • Enzyme 3.3.0
  • enzyme-to-json 3.3.4
  • Jest 20.0.4

Jest stopped to show function names in snapshots. This comment from another discussion expose why.

There is a work in progress to offer an alternative, but it is not done yet.

In your specific case, I would recommend to test the handlers explicitly (e.g. get a wrapper and simulate blur and change).

Jest issue then not enzyme-to-json.