adrianhajdin / threads

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MulaMediaMarketing opened this issue · comments

lib\actions\user.actions.ts (155:10) @ fetchUsers

153 | console.error("Error fetching users:", error);
154 | const errorMessage = error instanceof Error ? error.message : "Failed to fetch users";

155 | throw new Error(errorMessage);
| ^
156 | }
157 | }

Without the full context of your code, it's a bit challenging to provide a precise solution, but I can give you some general advice on how to approach fixing this issue:

Check the Error Message.
Review the error message that is being generated. This can provide clues about what might be going wrong. If error.message is not available, it might be an issue with the error object.

Check for Async Code
Ensure that you are handling promises appropriately. If using async/await, make sure the function is marked as async.

Check Imports and Dependencies
Ensure that all the necessary dependencies and imports are correctly set up.