adobe / cryptr

Cryptr: a GUI for Hashicorp's Vault

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

An error occurred while connecting to the provided URL

osminm opened this issue · comments

The problem

I was excited about the possibility of having a keepass-like-tool that would tie into Vault but was disappointed that no matter what I tried I can't even login to vault. The error I get on Windows or Mac is consistent: "An error occurred while connecting to the provided URL.". We do use namespaces in our environment but my testing has been against a root vault namespace.


  • Cryptr version 0.4.0
  • Desktop OS/version used to run Cryptr: Windows 10 (latest patch), Windows server 2019 (1809), OS X 10.15.7
  • Vault version: Vault 1.4.1+prem.hsm


We have users that would prefer some sort of desktop client vs the web interface. They are not developers so the API/CLI just wouldn't be appropriate.

Steps to Reproduce

Describe how to reproduce this issue. What did you click? What were you trying to do?

  • Launch executable from either OS and the login window appears.
  • Add a URL pointing to vault, tried with/without vault's default port
  • The error appears immediately after trying to add a URL
  • The error appears if I populate LDAP's user name/password and attempt to login
  • The error appears when using Token and trying to populate URL & Token value as well.

Would you try opening Cryptr in debug mode and look for console errors, or for what your Vault instance is responding with?

To enable this with released binaries, set the CRYPTR_ENV=development environment variable when launching the app. This is simple on Mac and Linux, though I see you're on Windows so will need to find how best to set it accordingly.

Noticed after testing in ubuntu that we really needed to export CRYPTR_ENV=development for the child process (cryptr) to see it. Attaching two logs, mac/ubuntu, they both point to the same error, ERR_SPDY_INADEQUATE_TRANSPORT_SECURITY, which seems to point server/client cryptography handshake.

quick update, cryptr was able to connect to a replicated local testing vault after modifying the tls_cipher_suites crypto order in vault. Will test again when this change is promoted but I'm able to do basic tests now . Thx

I too having the same problem, can you please provide the tls_cipher_suite that worked?

Closing old issue