admin-else / infinity-scrape

Scrapes infinite-craft for crafts so you can get stuff more easily.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

How do I use this program?

SokroKalimi opened this issue · comments

I'm not good at technical knowledge things, and the installation guide doesn't make any sense. Where do I use the git clone command? It doesn't work in Python.

edit: I've got it working, but I'm still confused.

I am trying figure this out as well, so far I
installed github desktop, python, git
made a project in github desktop "scrape"
added pip.pyz to /scrape/
ran (windows so no $)
git clone
pip.pyz install -r infinity-scrape/requirements.txt

this gives me "what do you want: "
but returns

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Users\StrawberryBox\Documents\GitHub\ScrapeTest\infinity-scrape\", line 18, in
c.execute("SELECT ingr1, ingr2 FROM combination WHERE out = ?", [target])
sqlite3.OperationalError: no such table: combination

and that's where im stuck

-->update: figured it out, need build new combinations with *(or use the infinite-craft.db file)
py infinity-scrape/
ctrl + c (to end and save recipes)
py infinity-scrape/
to search for a found recipe tree

requires to get working (windows) (auto downloads pip.pyz)(add to project in documents/github/"project name")

in github desktop setup repo then use repository/command prompt
run commands (git clone, pip.pyz install, scrape, howtoget)

** after cloning the repo the "infinite-craft.db" was in (/"projectname"/infinity-scrape) and would get the no table error, moving it to (/"projectname"/infinite-craft.db) allowed search it and scrape for new

I'm about this far, but I can't get farther. When I try the commands after "git clone", nothing happens.


I think this is what it needs, reading the page again, I think it needs discover items, so ran and its collecting results, but looks like would take a long time populate


i dont know why i didnt pick up the existing database if you cloned it it should pickup the existing db...

(edit make sure you are in the correct directory) if you are not things like errors like the one described here

#1 (comment)
or here
File "C:\Users\StrawberryBox\Documents\GitHub\ScrapeTest\infinity-scrape\", line 18, in
c.execute("SELECT ingr1, ingr2 FROM combination WHERE out = ?", [target])
sqlite3.OperationalError: no such table: combination

ill add a check for the database existing