adi1090x / widgets

Few widgets for Eww, Elkowar’s Wacky Widgets.

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Script `launch_eww` errors.

d2rgaming-9000 opened this issue · comments

Passing ~/.config/eww/launch_eww returns /home,,,,,/launch_eww: line 9 /home,,,/.bin/eww no such file or directory.

The error repeats twice, again. For line 15 in the second line.

What I tried.
Added export PATH="$PATH:$user/bin:$PATH.

My .bashrc is modified. So is my .profile. And I have these lines in both, if [-d "$HOME/.bin:$PATH" then PATH="$HOME/.bin:$PATH" fi.
I have the line repeated for .local/bin and Applications.

Am I missing something.
I can send the full bash config file if requested. And relevant logs too.

Using Arch Linux 86.

Somehow editing the lines in launch_eww, to delete the lines YouTube twitter and reddit produces an error in line 9 and line 41 when launching ~/.config,,/,,eww via terminal, this time around. Instead of 15. Not sure why.

Saw a closed issue on jun 6. Looks very similar to my issue, but the fix implied does not work for me. It returns the same error regardless.