adi1090x / widgets

Few widgets for Eww, Elkowar’s Wacky Widgets.

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

About Icons in Arin Widget

satyatejatanuku opened this issue · comments

I wanna replace some icons in top bar with other (like whatsapp, vs code). Can share some details about the icons you used over there?

Second this, would be nice to know the icon pack so I can match the style

Third this, just want to find icons with a similar look for other apps I use. Brilliant theme thanks for all your hard work.


hey ! i'm another one searching for where your icons come from :) I really love the arin bar and i dont want to break it with my ugly icons :3

After a little bit of hunting it seems that the icons are from the "Crayon" icon pack! Sadly it seems to be not free and not available on Linux

Yes, I used that one, Crayon it is.