adempiere / adempiere-vue

ADempiere-Vue is a new UI for ADempiere ERP, CRM & SCM. It is based on Vue and uses the UI Toolkit element-ui. It is a great UI for ADempiere ERP, CRM & SCM, based on the newest development stack of Vue, built-in i18n solution, typical templates for enterprise applications, lots of awesome features. This project was forked from Vue-Element-Admin originally write by PanJiaChen / 花裤衩 over MIT license and was changed to GNU/GPL v3 by Yamel Senih after forked granted by PanJiaChen / 花裤衩 on the issue "Extend as GNU/Gpl v3 License #1434".

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Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

[Bug Report] Window: Using tab key for move is bad

yamelsenih opened this issue · comments

Bug report

When you use tab for mode between fields, the focus is positioned over label instead of field

Steps to reproduce

  1. Open Product Group
  2. Press new record
  3. Go to code field
  4. Fill it
  5. Press tab... note that the focus is over Name label
  6. Press tab... now, the focus is in Name field

Screenshot or Gif(截图或动态图)

Tab es presionado dos veces