adderly / co2

A C++ await/yield emulation library for stackless coroutine

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CO2 - Coroutine II

A C++ stackless coroutine emulation library, providing interface close to N4286.



I like the idea of await as proposed in N4286, and I hope it will become part of the new standard (C++17?), but as of this writing, there's no working implementation available (MSVC14? no, it's broken), so I started to work out a preprocessor-based library to emulate await and stackless coroutine.


Many of the concepts are similar to N4286, if you're not familiar with the proposal, please read the paper first.

A coroutine written in this library looks like below:

return_type function(Args... args)
CO2_BEGIN(return_type, (args...), locals...)

Note this line

return_type function(Args... args)

is just a plain-old function prototype, you can forward declare it as well.

Ready for preprocessor magic? here we go...

The coroutine body is surrounded with 2 macros: CO2_BEGIN and CO2_END.

The macro CO2_BEGIN requires you to provide some parameters:

  • return_type - same as the function's return-type
  • args - captures section, a list of comma (,) separated identifiers
  • locals - local variables section, a list of semi-colon (;) separated variables

Both args and locals are optional, depends on your need, you can leave them empty, for example:

CO2_BEGIN(return_type, ())

You may find that repeating the return_type twice is annoying, as C++11 adds trailing return type syntax, the library also provide a convenient macro CO2_RET, which is particularly fit for lambda expressions:

[]() CO2_RET(return_type, ()) {...} CO2_END

You can intialize the local variables in the local variables section, for example:

auto f(int i) CO2_RET(return_type, (i),
    int i2 = i * 2;
    // coroutine-body

Note that in this emulation, local variables intialization happens before initial_suspend, and if any exception is thrown during the intialization, set_exception won't be called, instead, the exception will propagate to the caller directly.

Inside the coroutine body, there are some restrictions:

  • local variables with automatic storage are not allowed - you should specify them in local variables section of CO2_BEGIN as described above
  • return should be replaced with CO2_RETURN/CO2_RETURN_FROM
  • try-catch block surrouding await statements should be replaced with CO2_TRY & CO2_CATCH
  • identifiers starting with _co2_ are reserved for this library

return statement

  • return -> CO2_RETURN()
  • return expr -> CO2_RETURN(expr)
  • return void-expr -> CO2_RETURN_FROM(void-expr) (useful in generic code)


CO2_TRY {...}
CO2_CATCH (std::runtime_error& e) {...}
catch (std::exception& e) {...}

Note that only the first catch clause needs to be spelled as CO2_CATCH, the subsequent ones should use the plain catch.

await & yield

In CO2, await is implemented as a statement instead of an expression due to the emulation limitation, and it has 4 variants: CO2_AWAIT, CO2_AWAIT_SET, CO2_AWAIT_LET and CO2_AWAIT_RETURN.

  • CO2_AWAIT(expr)

Equivalent to await expr.

  • CO2_AWAIT_SET(var, expr)

Equivalent to var = await expr.

  • CO2_AWAIT_LET(var-decl, expr, body)

This is to eliminate the need of a local variable, for example:

CO2_AWAIT_LET(auto i, task,
  • CO2_AWAIT_RETURN(expr)

Equivalent to return await expr.

As yield is defined in N4286, CO2 also provides the corresponding CO2_YIELD. CO2_YIELD(expr) is equivalent to CO2_AWAIT(<this-promise>.yield_value(expr)).

The fact that await in CO2 is not an expression has an implication on object lifetime, consider this case:

await something{temporaries} and something holds references to temporaries.

It's safe if await is an expression as in N4286, but in CO2, CO2_AWAIT(something{temporaries}) is an emulated statement, the temporaries will go out of scope.

Besides, the awaiter itself has to be stored somewhere, CO2 internally reserves sizeof(pointer) * 4 bytes for that as default, if the size of awaiter is larger than that, free store will be used. If the default size is too large or too small for you, you can specify the desired size with CO2_RESERVE anywhere in the local variables section:

auto f() CO2_RET(return_type, (),

Difference from N4286

  • Unlike coroutine_handle in N4286, coroutine is ref-counted.
  • coroutine_traits depends on return_type only, always uses new for allocation.
  • promise_type::final_suspend is ignored.

Additional customization points

In addition to the promise requirements defined by N4286, CO2 defines an optional pair of customization points:

  1. bool before_resume()
  2. void after_suspend()

before_resume is called for checking if the coroutine can be resumed, and after_suspend is called after await_suspend succeed on the awaiter. Combined with cancellation_requested, they allow you to actively cancel the coroutine instead of passively waiting for the awaiter to resume-and-cancel.



  • #include <co2/coroutine.hpp>
  • #include <co2/generator.hpp>
  • #include <co2/recursive_generator.hpp>
  • #include <co2/task.hpp>
  • #include <co2/shared_task.hpp>
  • #include <co2/adapted/boost_future.hpp>


  • CO2_RET
  • CO2_END
  • CO2_TRY


  • co2::coroutine_traits<R>
  • co2::coroutine<Promise>
  • co2::generator<T>
  • co2::recursive_generator<T>
  • co2::task<T>
  • co2::shared_task<T>
  • co2::suspend_always
  • co2::suspend_never



Define a generator

auto range(int i, int e) CO2_RET(co2::generator<int>, (i, e))
    for ( ; i != e; ++i)

Use a generator

for (auto i : range(1, 10))
    std::cout << i << ", ";

Recursive Generator

Same example as above, using recursive_generator:

auto recursive_range(int a, int b) CO2_RET(co2::recursive_generator<int>, (a, b),
    int n = b - a;
    if (n <= 0)

    if (n == 1)

    n = a + n / 2;
    CO2_YIELD(recursive_range(a, n));
    CO2_YIELD(recursive_range(n, b));

for (auto i : recursive_range(1, 10))
    std::cout << i << ", ";

ASIO echo server

This example uses the sister library act to change ASIO style callback into await.

auto session(asio::ip::tcp::socket sock) CO2_RET(co2::task<>, (sock),
    char buf[1024];
    std::size_t len;
        std::cout << "connected: " << sock.remote_endpoint() << std::endl;
        for ( ; ; )
            CO2_AWAIT_SET(len, act::read_some(sock, asio::buffer(buf)));
            CO2_AWAIT(act::write(sock, asio::buffer(buf, len)));
    CO2_CATCH (std::exception& e)
        std::cout << "error: " << sock.remote_endpoint() << ": " << e.what() << std::endl;

auto server(asio::io_service& io, unsigned port) CO2_RET(co2::task<>, (io, port),
    asio::ip::tcp::endpoint endpoint{asio::ip::tcp::v4(), port};
    asio::ip::tcp::acceptor acceptor{io, endpoint};
    std::cout << "server running at: " << endpoint << std::endl;
    for ( ; ; )
        CO2_AWAIT_LET(auto&& sock, act::accept(acceptor),


Copyright (c) 2015 Jamboree

Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at


A C++ await/yield emulation library for stackless coroutine


Language:C++ 100.0%