alice-viola / DirectMessage

Layer over MQTT that simplifies messages exchange between applications

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

MexEasy / DirectMessage

This package simplifies communications between microservices, applications or servers, based on MQTT protocol.

Usage examples are under the test folder.


The basic unit is a MNode. Every unit has a realm and an id.

The combination of realm and id form the main MQTT topic. Each unit has also a string identifier, random generated if not specified.

In the following examples, the resulting MQTT topic will be: yourAppDomain/yourAppSubdomain/toall


npm install --save mexeasy

Usage example

Note: is the IP address of


let MNode = require('mexeasy')

*   Create a node
let s1 = new MNode({
    realm: 'yourAppDomain',
    id: 'yourAppSubdomain',
    connection: {
        host: '',
        port: '1883'
    node: 'testclient'

*   Example payload
let data = {data: 'hello MexEasy'}

*   Send to all nodes with the same realm and id,
*   without response
s1.send('toall', data, '*')

*   Send to all nodes, and receive the response 
s1.send('toall', data, '*', function (response) {
    console.log('response', response)

*   Send to node s2,
*   without response
s1.send('toall', data, 's2')

*   Send to node s2, and receive the response 
s1.send('toall', data, 's2', function (response) {
    console.log('response', response)


let MNode = require('mexeasy')

*   Create a node
let s1 = new MNode({
    realm: 'yourAppDomain',
    id: 'yourAppSubdomain',
    connection: {
        host: '', 
        port: '1883'
    node: 's2'

*   Listen on 'toall'
s1.on('toall', function (data) {
    return 'ok from ' + process.argv[2] // this will be send back as data, if required by the sender


*   new
*   args = {
*       realm: String,
*       id: String,
*       node: String, [OPT]
*       qos: Int [OPT]
*       connection: {
*           host: String,
*           port: String, 
*           username: String, [OPT]
*           password: String  [OPT]
*       }
*   }
constructor (args)

*   on
*   route: String
*   callback: Function
on (route, callback)

*   get
*   callback: Function
get (callback)

*   send
*   route: String
*   data: Object or String
*   node: String [ '*' means all nodes] 
*   callback: Function [OPT]
send (route, data, node, callback)

*   destroy
destroy ()


Layer over MQTT that simplifies messages exchange between applications


Language:JavaScript 100.0%